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It is the local public transportation service.http://www.gomermaid.com/+Granite State Independent Living FoundationMileage or Distance LimitsiMust apply for eligibility ahead of time; reserve at least one day in advance, up to two weeks in advanceNashua but buses out of Concord In-state only$20 per hour plus $1.5/mile &800-826-3700 ask for Bob 603.228.9680 F$55.80/ day round trip pick-up plus $2.51/mile plus $16/hr waiting fee603 225-1989 603-225-3295RampLift8 Haley Cir, Exeter ExeterQPick-up/drop-off must be within 3/4 mile of regular route (maps available online)$1/route8Call to make reservation; at least a few days in advance-Each bus has accommodations for 2 wheelchairsCustom Coach and LimousinePortland, Maine"http://www.customcoachandlimo.com/.1-800-585-3589 1-207-797-9100/Call to make reservations; as early as possible!No limits on mileage or distance Coaches with 1 and 2 wheelchairs8Vans holding one wheelchair with 4 additional passengerswww.ride-away.comJ2 power wheelchairs or 2 manual wheelchairs + 2 to 3 additional passengersWeb Site/AddressЫ1.Dover/Somersworth/ Berwick 2.Portsmouth/Newington/ Dover/Somersworth/ Rochester 3.Farmington/Rochester 4.Newington/Greenland/ Stratham/Newmarket/ ExeterRSjk=Depends on driver availability, several days notice preferred Call company and complete a formЧVan: 2 wheelchairs + several additional passengers Bus: 2 wheelchairs + 12 passengers *Must call for details regarding additional passenger eligibilityfVan: up to 3 wheelchairs Bus: up to 4 wheelchairs Vehicles have space for 1 to 8 additional passengers7Vans and 10-passenger buses holding one wheelchair eachV3 wheelchairs and 3 additional passengers or 2 wheelchairs and 2 additional passengersVaries Varies with mileage  Z v}# *Ч Ю = DJ Q▓╣к▒уъyА cc щ═╔└  "FOR╗ 44General Everyday PrintingdMicrosoft Office ExcelDomain Users;Affirmative Action;AXS-100-All.Users;Global.Mailing;AOP Personnel    EXCEL.EXEААC:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\EXCEL.EXE<IPACDRWDSGATCAPI;лFЗ4шEБ╘▀8Q;KiЪ▌Е&°EЙ%ъ9кx╚PPBHAERPб";XXр?р?U} ╒} *} к } ╒} } * } U} } А} к} * РCompany  ¤└ F@ ╫ @ V@ б@ Г@ А@ + + +¤ ¤ ¤ J¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ 0¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ +¤ (¤ 7¤ 8¤ ¤ -¤ ,¤ ?¤  =¤ ¤ K¤ '¤ )¤ &¤ ¤ 1¤ <¤ N¤  *¤ @¤ A¤ B¤ C¤ 9¤ ¤ D¤ E¤ F¤  S¤ ¤ ;¤ :¤ ¤ 8¤ ¤  ¤ !¤ G¤  "¤ /¤ 2¤ ¤ 5¤ &¤ ¤ L¤ 3¤ O¤  4¤  ¤ ¤ .¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ M¤ ¤ P¤  R¤ ¤ ¤ H¤ ¤ 8¤ ¤ >¤ ¤ Q¤  #¤  ¤  ¤  ¤  ¤ 9¤ ¤ $¤ %¤ I¤  6¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ 9¤ ¤ M¤ ¤ ¤ ╫@┤МММММММММ>╢@22ая7╕ь╨╔ъy∙║╬МВкKй 'http://www.gsil.org/transportation.htmр╔ъy∙║╬МВкKй fhttp://www.gsil.org/transportation.htmyXБЇ;Hп,В]─Е'cел╕╕╨╔ъy∙║╬МВкKй http://www.gomermaid.com/р╔ъy∙║╬МВкKй Lhttp://www.gomermaid.com/yXБЇ;Hп,В]─Е'cел╕и╨╔ъy∙║╬МВкKй www.ride-away.comр╔ъy∙║╬МВкKй Lhttp://www.ride-away.com/yXБЇ;Hп,В]─Е'cел╕м╨╔ъy∙║╬МВкKй http://www.bm-cap.org/р╔ъy∙║╬МВкKй Fhttp://www.bm-cap.org/yXБЇ;Hп,В]─Е'cел╕д╨╔ъy∙║╬МВкKй http://coastbus.org/р╔ъy∙║╬МВкKй Bhttp://coastbus.org/yXБЇ;Hп,В]─Е'cел╕▄╨╔ъy∙║╬МВкKй #http://www.customcoachandlimo.com/р╔ъy∙║╬МВкKй ^http://www.customcoachandlimo.com/yXБЇ;Hп,В]─Е'cел щ═╔└ ▀R  d№йё╥MbP?_*+ВА% Б┴ГДб" F∙║╬р?р?#U>╢@я7 щ═╔└ цS  d№йё╥MbP?_*+ВА% Б┴ГДб" р?р?#U>╢@я7 ■ рЕЯЄ∙OhлС+'│┘0▄HPtШ ░ ╝ ╚╘фAffirmitive Action & EquityAffirmitive Action & EquityMicrosoft Excel@А╩;nZ}╚@А9EЭ+╚@ЛIДZ}╚■ ╒═╒Ь.УЧ+,∙оD╒═╒Ь.УЧ+,∙оX PXh pxАИ Р ╤ф UNH' Sheet1Sheet2Sheet3Sheet1!Print_Titles  Worksheets Named Rangesр 8@ _PID_HLINKSфAШ$=?#http://www.customcoachandlimo.com/ [http://coastbus.org/&vhttp://www.bm-cap.org/http://www.ride-away.com/Xhttp://www.gomermaid.com/{+'http://www.gsil.org/transportation.htm  !"#$%&'()*■   ,-./012■   456789:■   ¤   ■                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Root Entry         └F0U3Д°╫■   Workbook            5TSummaryInformation(    +DocumentSummaryInformation8            3