Student Spotlight: Bella Dziak ‘24


Bella headshot

Bella Dziak

Graduation: Spring 2024
Majors: Community and Environmental Planning and Sustainability Dual Major

Minor: Business Administration

Why did you declare the Sustainability Dual Major (SDM)?
During my initial search for a university, I knew I wanted sustainability to be one of the main focuses of my undergraduate learning. All the courses and programs offered made the Sustainability Institute at UNH stand out to me. The passion from professors, research projects, skill development opportunities, and teachings offered an atmosphere I wanted to join and contribute to.

What SDM electives were your favorite and why?
Sustainable Agriculture and Food Production, and Social Impact Assessment (SIA). I took Sustainable Ag for the SDM, and SIA counted for both my primary and SDM majors.

I have a passion for gardening so taking a class around a more personal interest led me to finding work based around local and sustainable food systems. I also was able to implement organic gardening techniques at a local garden I work at in my free time. The SIA course really opened my mind to a whole new area of work in impact assessment for firms around the world that analyze projects on the social level to see how they impact the community. I was able to cross-pollinate my prior knowledge from both SDM required courses and put my skills to the test. It’s hard to pick favorites though, I really have enjoyed my dual major courses. These courses really emulate how the SDM major can expand your learning and add critical thinking skills and perspective to your other area of studies.

Bella presenting

What have been some of the best benefits of the SDM for you?
The SDM led me to some the best classes I have taken at UNH. It also led me to work as a fellow through the Sustainability Summer Fellowship program where I utilized my skills to work on a project that made a positive impact.

What have you liked about the SDM?
I believe it has the power to make any student a more well-rounded individual academically and professionally by the time they graduate. My favorite part about the SDM and the Institute are the people. Everyone has been incredibly supportive and instrumental to my journey and the work I have been able to accomplish. Also, sharing classes with peers that share similar interests continuously inspires and motivates me to keep working hard to be a part of the positive change taking place to create more sustainable and equitable communities around the world.

Bella setting up poster

You mentioned the Sustainability Fellowship, why did you apply?
I applied for the Sustainability Fellowship to put the skills I have been learning into action. I was eager and excited to work with a mission driven organization for the summer and this fellowship was an opportunity to do that. When I read the position description for the New England Young Fishermen’s Alliance (NEYFA), I knew right away I wanted to apply and work towards their mission while still learning and building community at the Sustainability Institute.Ìý

What were your biggest take aways from that experience?
The most valuable part was the community built with all of the fellows. It was really supportive to be a part of a group that met weekly outside of the orgs we were working with, to chat and problem-solve together. We also had several opportunities to present our work and learn from each other throughout the summer, which I really enjoyed. I developed my communication skills and time management. It was my first time working in a hybrid position and learning how to manage remote work with deadlines was new to me. I had a great relationship with my mentor, and she helped me come up with ways to work more effectively at home. Overall, it was a fantastic summer and I learned so much about sustainability in the fisheries while collaborating with other fellows and felt like I was able to round out my learning from UNH. The education I received prior to this fellowship made me confident in the work I would provide and by the end of the summer I was proud of the project I developed with NEYFA. It was such a success that they invited me to work with them after the summer ended.

Bella poster presentation

That’s fantastic! Any advice for students if they have an internship or fellowship?
I would recommend building a good relationship with their mentor. Having a strong relationship with a mentor will create an atmosphere for more learning and tailored feedback. Being able to ask questions and receive support during challenges creates confidence when working on projects and lowers any stress that you’re not performing well. Building a relationship with the community around your work will also help gain perspective and hopefully lead to friendships!Ìý

Anything you’d want students new to UNH to know, especially if they’re not sure of their path or think their major may not connect to sustainability?

Sustainability is a part of everything! I hope each student at UNH considers taking a course in sustainability, it will really open their horizon to all the good work being done and how students can use their unique talents and skills to contribute to that mission driven work! I advise students just starting out to continue their education with an open mind and get creative about how sustainability fits in their career goals. For students who don’t know what they want to study or are trying to figure out their path, take discoveries that actually sound interesting to you and keep learning as much about yourself as possible. UNH has many opportunities for students to succeed and make their education goals a reality. Talk to mentors, look for opportunities offered around the university, and keep working hard! Life is what you make of it and an opportunity to do good shouldn’t be looked over, check out the SDM (you won’t regret it)!

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