The 鶹app at Manchester will recognize the academic achievements of more than 70 students at the2016 on Tuesday, May 17.
One of the university’s largest academic ceremonies, Honors Convocation brings administrators, faculty, staff and students together to celebrate academic success. This year’s event will begin at 6 p.m. at the Radisson Hotel in downtown Manchester, N.H.
Leading the proceedings is UNH Manchester Dean Mike Decelle, with remarks from P.T. Vasudevan, UNH Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. This year's student speaker is English major, English program award recipient and University Scholar Kristin Boelzner. , lecturer of mathematics and recipient of the 2016 Excellence in Teaching award, will give the faculty address.
This year’s program will recognize Presidential Scholars,University Scholars, inductees of the Phi Beta Kappa and Phi Alpha Theta honor societies as well as recipients of the WritingAcrossthe Curriculum, Undergraduate Research Conference andacademicprogram awards.
Student speakerKristin Boelzner has become a dynamic presence at UNH Manchester, involved in almost every facet of the urban campus. Boelzner received the Heart of UNH Manchester award at the Student Leadership Recognition Ceremony, recognizing her passion for students and commitment to UNH Manchester. She also received the Unsung Hero award, which is awarded to students who demonstrate dedication to student clubs and the campus community.
Boelzner’sroles on campus also include positions as a student marketing assistant and blog team leader in the marketing department; Peer Assistant Leader, Academic Coach, Transfer Student Mentor in the Office of Student Development and Involvement; office assistant in the Student Service Suite; and an event promoterwithin the Student Activities Department.
At this year’s Honors Convocation,Boelzner, a University Scholar, will receive theEnglishProgram Award and be recognized for her invitation to join Phi Beta Kappa.
The following students will also receive awards for outstanding academic achievement in their undergraduate degree program:
Presidential Scholars
Presidential Scholars must have earned 100 credits byFebruary15, 2016, of which at least 64 are UNH graded credits, and have a 3.85-4.0 cumulative UNH grade point average.
Kaitlin Archibald, Business, BA, SummaCumLaude (Dec 2015)
Sara Clark, Psychology, BA SummaCumLaude (May 2016)
OliviaMarchioni, Business, BA, SummaCumLaude (May 2016)
Bruce Rheaume, Biological Sciences, BA, SummaCumLaude (May 2016)
University Scholars
Baccalaureate degree candidates must have earned 100 credits byFebruary 15, 2016, of which at least 64 are UNH graded credits, and have a 3.5-3.84cumulative UNH grade point average.
Associate degree candidates must have earned 32 or more credits byFebruary 15, 2016, of which at least 12 are UNH graded credits, and have a 3.5- 4.0 cumulative UNH grade point average.
Becky Baker, Biotechnology, BS, Cum Laude (May 2016)
MikailaBayers, Psychology, BACumLaude (May 2016)
Cassie Beaudin, Biological Sciences, BA MagnaCumLaude (Dec 2015)
JessalynBenson, Biological Sciences and History major
Kristin Boelzner, English, BA, MagnaCumLaude (May 2016)
Zachery Boynton,EET:ComputerTechnology, BS, Cum Laude (May 2016)
Garrett Bryant,EET:ComputerTechnology, BS, Magna Cum Laude (May 2016)
Mariah Cahill, Psychology, BA, MagnaCumLaude (May 2016)
Wayne Charrette, English, BACumLaude (Dec 2015)
Annie Cole, Sign Language Interpretation major
Adam Connolly, Electrical Engineering Tech, BS, MagnaCumLaude (May 2016)
Erin Conroy, Business, BA, MagnaCumLaude (Dec 2015)
Kyle Cormier, Electrical Engineering Technology major
Amanda Cote, Communication Arts major
HannahDePietro, Sign Language Interpretation, BS, Cum Laude (May 2016)
GabrielaDiaconu, Biological Sciences, BA, MagnaCumLaude (May 2016)
Matthew Dimock, Mechanical Engineering Technology major
Taylor Driscoll, Biological Sciences major
Christopher Falk, Business major
NelsonGbeve, Communication Arts, BA, MagnaCumLaude (Dec 2015)
MatthewGott, Biological Sciences major
Joshua Greer-Carney, Biological Sciences major
MatthewHeyner, Computer Information Systems, BS MagnaCumLaude (May 2016)
Melissa Jacob,GeneralStudies major
Cassidy John, Humanities, BA, MagnaCumLaude (May 2016)
Shane Johnston, Biological Sciences, BACumLaude (May 2016)
StephenKobleElectrical Engineering Tech, BS, MagnaCumLaude (May 2016)
KimberlyMaciejczyk,BiologicalSciences major
SusannaMagdziarz,History major
Kendra McDonald,BiologicalSciencesMajor
RobertMcMenamin,BusinessAdministration major
Susan Orr,GeneralStudies major
Brianna Palhete, Business, BA, MagnaCumLaude (May 2016)
JessicaPalmariello, Sign LanguageInterpretation major
Abby Pelletier,Biological Sciences major
Maggie Plante, Biological Sciences, BA, MagnaCumLaude (Dec 2015)
AlanProvance, History, BA, Cum Laude (May 2016)
Jennifer Reid,BiologicalSciences major
Thomas Rhoades, History, BA SummaCumLaude (May 2016)
Derek Rose, Business, BA, Cum Laude (May 2016)
Fallon Rouleau, Biological Sciences, BA, Cum Laude (May 2016)
Ryan Sanborn,Historymajor
KatieSarette, History, BA, Cum Laude (May 2016)
Aaron Savoy, General Studies, AA (Sept 2016)
Jonathon Shallow,ComputerScience &Entrepreneurship major
Liam Smith,BiologicalSciences major
Ryane Staples,BiologicalSciences major
Julie Swanson, Psychology, BACumLaude (May 2016)
DonaldSwinerton,BiologicalSciences major
MichaelTay, Biological Sciences, BACumLaude (May 2016)
Brandon Therrien, Mechanical Engineering Technology, BS, MagnaCumLaude (May 2016)
AlannaWagenblast, Sign Language Interpretation, BS MagnaCumLaude (May 2016)
David Wiley, English major
Zachary Window, Biological Sciences, BA, Cum Laude (May 2016)
Program Awards
Bruce Rheaume, Biology Program Award
Becky Baker,BiotechnologyProgram Award
Paige Tobin, Business Program Award
Amanda Cote, Communication Arts Award
MatthewHeyner, CIS and Computer Science & Entrepreneurship Award
StephenKoble, Engineering Technology Award
Kristin Boelzner, English Program Award
Ryan Sanborn, History Program Award
Cassidy John, Humanities Program Award
Victoria Gouveia, Politics & Society Program Award
Brianna Sargent Merrill, Psychology Program Award
AlannaWagenblast, Sign Language Interpretation Program Award
Writing Across the Curriculum Award Winners
Bruce Rheaume, Biological Sciences, BA, SummaCumLaude (May 2016)
LoriZibel, History, BA (Sept 2016)
Honorable Mention:Marc Brennan
Biology Program Book Award
Ariel Trachtenberg, Biological Sciences major
Biotechnology Program Book Award
Rachel Main, Biotechnologymajor
History Program Book Awards
Thomas Rhoades, History, BA SummaCumLaude (May 2016)
Nicole Toy, History major
Humanities Program Book Awards
Cassidy John, Humanities, BA, MagnaCumLaude (May 2016)
AmandaVendt, Humanities, BA (Dec 2015)
Master Tutor Awards
Sara Clark, Psychology, BA SummaCumLaude (May 2016)
KatieSarette, History, BA, Cum Laude (May 2016)
Undergraduate Research Conference Awards
Oral Presentations
NelsonGbeve, Communication Arts, BA, MagnaCumLaude (Dec 2015)
LoriZibel, History, BA (Sept 2016)
KyleVynorius, Biological Sciences major
Cinema Arts Presentations
Kyle Sanborn, Communication Arts major
Computing Technology Poster Presentations
Nigel Swanson, Computer Info.Systems, BS (May 2016)
Engineering Technology
Jacob Gallant, Mechanical Engineering Tech, BS (May 2016)
Phi Beta Kappa Recognition
Kristin Boelzner, English, BA, MagnaCumLaude (May 2016)
GabrielaDiaconu, Biological Sciences, BA, MagnaCumLaude (May 2016)
Bruce Rheaume, Biological Sciences, BA, SummaCumLaude (May 2016)
Phi Alpha Theta Recognition
EricaGuilbeault, History major
SusannaMagdziarz, History major
AlanProvance, History, BA, Cum Laude (May 2016)
Thomas Rhoades, History, BA SummaCumLaude (May 2016)
Ryan Sanborn, Communication Arts major
KatieSarette, History, BA, Cum Laude (May 2016)
CorySzaro, History major
Nicole Toy, History major
Written By:
Kim Wall | UNH Manchester