Wednesday, March 1, 2017
150 things to do at UNH

Here’s the end of our list, compiled by the #UNHSocial team in honor of UNH’s 150th! Catch up on Part I and Part II.

101. Check out the for UNH gear.

102. Go to the Office of Student Involvement and Leadership (OSIL) to see how you can get involved.

103. Hit up Tacomano’s Late Night for $5 burritos.

104. Go to the office to get involved with diversity programs.

105. Keep a UNH umbrella on hand for surprise rain storms.

106. Spend a snow day playing in the snow with friends.

107. Pet a dog in the library during Frazzle Free Finals.

108. Call your family.

109. Check in with friends from high school.

110. Meet President Huddleston.

UNH President Mark Huddleston with students

111. Participate in an open forum with President Mark Huddleston.

112. Go see a guest speaker in the .

113. Play a sand volleyball game outside Stoke or Gibbs.

114. Go to an early morning Tedx Talk in the MUB.

115. Get nachos at Libby’s.

116. Get ahead on homework at .

117. Go to Late Night at Philly.

118. Join a community service student organization.

119. Take a picture with Gnarlz and Wild E. Cat.

120. Meet with your advisor.

121. Book a room in Dimond Library for a study group.

122. Go to ’s Fall Fest.

123. Go to Solar Fest, put on by the (SEAC).

124. Check out ’s May Day Carnival.

UNH SHARPP Anti-Violence Rally and Walk

125. Compete to be the Funniest Person on Campus.

126. Get cheesy fries from Kurt’s Lunchbox.

127. Attend a event.

128. Thank a .

129. See a hypnotist show at the MUB.

130. Take a picture of a UNH squirrel.

131. Beat the winter blues with light therapy at Health & Wellness.

132. Tune into at 91.3 FM.

133. Take a unique Discovery course.

134. Watch the of the Wildcat statue.

135. Work out at the .

136. Get ice cream from the .

137. Stargaze at the .

138. Throw the fish onto the ice at a UNH Hockey game.

139. Present at the Undergraduate Research Conference.

140. Play Frisbee in the fishbowl.

141. Run in ’s Half-Naked Whole Mile.

142. Sled down library hill during a snow day.

143. Look into the to study away in the U.S.

144. Play basketball at the outdoor courts.

UNH student with a blue and white painted face

145. Visit the cows and horses at the .

146. Paint your face blue and white for a sporting event.

147. Join the Indian Subcontinent Students’ Association’s celebration ofHoli: Festival of Colors.

148. Enjoy a UNH Dining outdoor barbeque.

149. Spend a day volunteering at a event.

150. Create your own experience!