Andrew Earle (left) is an assistant professor in the UNH Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics.
The International Association for Chinese Management Research () has recognized a publication co-authored by , assistant professor of strategic management and entrepreneurship in the UNH .
Earle and his co-authors were honored with the IACMR’s 2017 Presidential Responsible Research in Management Award, which recognizes excellent scholarship published during the last five years (2013-2017) on the topic of management andfocusing “on important issues for business and society with sound research methods and credible results.” The award is co-sponsored by the .
A committee of 15 reviewers assessed a body of management scholarship, selecting a total of 10 articles and two books to receive the inaugural award.
“We wholeheartedly congratulate the authors for their excellent research that exemplifies the principles of responsible research,” the IACMR said in a press release announcing the winners.
Earle’s work, appeared in in 2017. The article discusses peer-driven occupational change and the emergence of green chemistry. Earle collaborated with Jennifer Howard-Grenville of the University of Cambridge, Andrew Nelson and Julie Haack of the University of Oregonand Douglas Young of Lane Community College on the article.
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Tracey Bentley | Communications and Public Affairs