Tuesday, March 13, 2018
UNH's Wildcat statue with a student's arm reaching up to pat the nose

How many of these things have you checked offyour list?

  1. Pet the Wildcat statue'snose.

  2. Take a picture in front of T-hall.

  3. Eat pizza for dinner.

  4. Spend a day in Portsmouth.

  5. Go to an event only for free food.

  6. Visit Portland on the Amtrak.

  7. Go to a football game.

  8. Tailgate during Homecoming.

  9. Stand in a long linefor sushi at Hoco.

  10. Usethe Wildcat Transit system.

  11. Livein a dorm(and then livein one again because it is so much fun).

  12. Getannoyed at your RA, but realizelater that you were grateful to them.

  13. Standin line for garlic bread at Philly.

  14. Wonderwhy the Little Red Wagon is parked outside the Paul Creative Arts Center.

  15. Takethe longer route to getsomewhere.

  16. Reevaluateyour life decisions after visiting career services.

  17. Studyat the MUB.

  18. Leave your phoneunattended at a table in the dining hall.

  19. Go to a SCOPE concert.

  20. Attend CAB Bingo Night.

  21. Travel to Boston just for a day.

  22. Find “your spot” in the library.

  23. Own UNH gear.

  24. Have friends in your major that you only see in classes.

  25. Understand abbreviated words like MadCo & DHOP.

  26. Fall asleep in class.

  27. Go to dining hallthemedinners.

  28. Go to a finalcompletely confident.

  29. Pull an all-nighter.

  30. Then pull another one, because some weeks are just like that.

  31. Go toU-day.

  32. Standin a ridiculously long line for DHOPpizza on a Saturday night.

  33. Go to the Career & Internship Fair.

  34. Study on the great lawn.

  35. Miss a class because you slept through your alarm.

  36. Accidentally wear a groutfit.

  37. Purchase unnecessary textbooks.

  38. Dealwith the constant unsettling debate —wanting to go home when you are at school and wanting to go to school when you are at home.

  39. Binge spend your saved up Cat's Cache at the end of the semester.

  40. Go on a midnight trip to Wild Kitty.

  41. Goto Libby’s, Scorpions, & The Knot.

  42. Hike through College Woods.

  43. Get a free professional headshot at the Career & Internship Fair.

  44. Get involved in a club or organization.

  45. Listen to WUNH.

  46. Take classes or work out at Campus Rec.

  47. Have your senior photo taken for the yearbook. (You’ll wish you did later!)

  48. Take a senior trip to the top of T-Hall to carve your name.

  49. Think about how you will miss UNH once you graduate. (You can add UNH Alumni to your social mediato stay up-to-date with Wildcat Country.)

  50. Yell, “Everyday is a great day to be a Wildcat, Huuuuuuh!”

Alex Nguyen '19 | Communications and Public Affairs | an1023@wildcats.unh.edu | 6039668049