EPA recognizes James Houle and Center for Freshwater Biology

Tuesday, October 2, 2018
UNH's James Houle

James Houle, program manager of the UNH Stormwater Center, recently received an EPA Environmental Merit Award. Photo by Dave Kellam

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) New England Regional Office recently honored James Houle, program manager of the UNH Stormwater Center, and the UNH Center for Freshwater Biology with its Environmental Merit Awards.

UNH staff at an EPA award ceremony
EPA regional counsel Carl Dierker is seen here with UNH Center for Freshwater Biology members Kate Langley, Shane Bradt, Anne Ewert, Jim Haney, Bob Craycraft, Annette Schloss, Jeff Schloss, Nancy Leland and Sabina Perkins and EPA Region 1 administrator Alexandra Dapolito Dunn and deputy regional administrator Deb Szaro. EPA Photo

Houle and the Center for Freshwater Biology, led by professor of biological sciences Jim Haney, were among 28 recipients from across the region recognized for their work to protect New England’s environment.

The EPA praised Houle, who received an individual Environmental Merit Award, for innovative work that “has led to green infrastructure technologies and policies to reduce stormwater pollution at local, state and national levels.”

The Center for Freshwater Biology “has been instrumental in ongoing research and developing tools for understanding the global proliferation of harmful cyanobacteria blooms and educating the public on its impacts,” the EPA stated.

Houle, Haney and members of the Center for Freshwater Biology team received their honors at a ceremony in Boston last month.

about the EPA awards to James Houle and the UNH Cooperative Extension researchers working in the Center for Freshwater Biology.

about the EPA honors to Jim Haney and the Center for Freshwater Biology.