The 155-acre Woodman Horticultural Research Farm focuses on the research, teaching, and outreach on the production of horticultural and ornamental crops. Research projects includeIntegrated Pest Management (reduce dependence on pesticide applications), pollinator habitat assessment, usinghigh tunnels to hasten and extend the growing season for fruits and vegetables, using reflective plastic mulches to increase per-acre yields of vegetables, evaluatingseedless table grape and eggplantvarieties, breeding organic strawberries, redomesticatingquinoa in New Hampshire, and leadingthe most expansive kiwiberry breeding research project in the nation.
Part of the farm is wooded and used for research and teaching in areas such as forestry, wildlife biology, entomology and water quality. It also contains the equestrian cross country course.The farm hosts many visitors each year, and it is a frequent site of outreach programs for our agricultural initiatives.
Written By:
Lori Wright, '06G | NH Agricultural Experiment Station | | 16038621452