Interdisciplinary research projects receive support

Monday, September 23, 2019
Overhead shot of Thompson Hall with fall foliage

Ten interdisciplinary research projects that address issues from mind-wandering while driving to net-zero carbon emissions have received funding from the UNH research office’s initiative. The CoRE initiative supports interdisciplinary and collaborative efforts driven by UNH researchers addressing local, regional and world issues. The funded teams represent 46 UNH faculty and staff from across the university, as well as 13 external partners.

“We are excited to have so many research teams participate in CoRE,” says Kevin Gardner, vice provost for research at UNH, of the 30 applications. “The proposals represent UNH’s breadth of interests and expertise and use of interdisciplinary approaches to solve complex societal challenges. We look forward to supporting this year’s CoRE teams to advance UNH research competitiveness and achieve impacts from their projects.”

Learn about the latest CoRE-funded projects .

The CoRE initiative launched in FY18. In its first two years, 36 interdisciplinary project teams received awards. Those projects have reported a breadth of research and scholarship outputs that include more than $46 million in external grant proposal submissions; $27 million in new awards; numerous manuscript submissions to peer-reviewed journals; and conferences, workshops and presentations that have engaged more than 3,000 academic, community and industry partners.

For more information on CoRE, contact Mark Milutinovich, director of large center development, and Maria Emanuel, manager of the initiative.