UNH observes holiday that signaled the end to legalized slavery in U.S.

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Richard Haynes, long-time UNH associate director, shares his thoughts regarding Juneteenth as not only a holiday, but a collective time of reflection. UNH will be observing the Juneteenth holiday on June 20 and the entire university community will be honoring the day in a variety of ways. To learn more about this important holiday to commemorate the true end to legalized slavery in the United States, consider attending one of the many events being held across the state, especially where you can hear more from Haynes on the power of Black Art in Public Spaces.

In addition to his work at UNH, Haynes fulfills his passion for art through a community art engagement program he calls, “Culture Keepers, Culture Makers.” Art has often been extoled, by Haynes, as a powerful means of disarming as one focuses on the colors, shapes and meaning behind the piece. Once thoughtfully reflecting, one is poised to engage in a deeper, more meaningful conversation surrounding social justice. In this video, Haynes reflects on Juneteenth as a representation of freedom, even sharing the enduring words of Harriet Tubman.

Scott Ripley | UNH Marketing | scott.ripley@unh.edu | 603-862-1855
Scott Ripley | UNH Marketing | scott.ripley@unh.edu | 603-862-1855