Katie Seraikas

Katie Seraikas's Articles

  • Sabrina Brown

    It Pays to Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

    Graduation is a time of celebration. An acknowledgement of achievements, growthand entering “the world.” In this day and age, it can also be met with a fear of the question, “So, what’s next?” For...
  • Caroline Consoli

    Student Ambassador Pursues Career in HR

    When Caroline Consoli started at UNH Manchester, she assumed it would be a transitional school, to get her major courses done before transferring. She had followed in her brother’s path, who is a...
  • Michael Feeley

    Politics and Society Student Makes Bid for State Representative of Concord

    As a non-traditional student, Michael Feeley wasn’t sure what to expect out of his college experience. As the first person in his family to graduate he was even less sure. With his December 2016...
  • Amelia Keane NH State Seal

    Senior Bio Major Runs for N.H. State Representative

    At just 25 years old, Amelia Keane is the owner of an inspiring resume. Full-time student, combat medic in the U.S. Army Reserves, executive director for N.H. Young Democrats, among others.Now, the...
  • Audrey Boudin and Sharon Eaton

    Choosing a College and Keeping Your Wallet Happy

    A week before her high school graduation, Audrey Beaudoin had all but accepted that she couldn't afford a four-year university. Now a entering her sophomore year atUNH Manchester, Audreydiscovered...
  • Jola Leary and Brianna LaMonica

    How an Internship Helped Brianna LaMonica Pursue Her Passion

    Brianna LaMonica, a UNH Manchester senior, shares how her internship with the Children’s Center for Communication and Beverly School for the Deaf has prepared her to adapt to any challenge she may...
  • It Pays to Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

    It Pays to Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

    Sabrina Brown, an alumna ofthebusiness program, found herself with a job offer even before she graduatedfrom UNH Manchester in 2014. Her willingness to step out of her comfort zone opened up a...
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Katie Seraikas is a freelance writer working with UNH's campus in Manchester.