The 1964 Campaign
A spread from The New Hampshire, November 5, 1964.
"Goldwater and Johnson were not the only candidates on UNH voters' minds last week. Students also had to weigh the qualifications of Bacchus, Kach-us Klay, Dracula, Bedrock and Peter the Toole. Campaign platforms ran from 'Wine, women and song' to 'Salvation for Durham' and promises of 'perpetual night for the campus.' Candidates and their supporters 'torchlighted' their way along Main Street, 'speeched' until their voices gave out, tacked and taped up posters and passed out leaflets. Members of the Greek societies wore campaign buttons proclaiming their candidate and his slogans, such as, 'We give blood,' 'Back Bacchus' and 'We're for BED-rock.' The torchlight parades were scattered with ghouls, witches, prehistoric men, Bedouins, dancing girls, members of the Salvation Army and a real camel. 1,200 people jammed convention hall (New Hampshire Hall) Friday night to hear the campaign speeches and cast a vote for their favorite candidate."