Facilities senior project manager Alex Brickett measures deskto mark seating according to safe distancing guidelines.
Marking off the safe seats
UNH has been working diligently to implement a safe in-person environment for the fall semester. Following public health guidelines and relying on the latest science, academic buildingsclassrooms and labs are be modified to be as safe as possible.
Stickers under empty chairs show students where to sit
UNH facilities employees have been busy readying classrooms, placing markers on tables and under chairs to ensure students sit 6 feet apart in accordance with social distancing requirements. Each classroom being used will have a supply of low dwell-time chemical wipes and hand sanitizer. Common study areas and conference rooms are being supplied with refillable hand sanitizer bottles for personal use. The classrooms and teaching labswill be cleaned and sanitized daily.
You can learn more about the university’s plan to help keep the UNH community safe at UNH Together. The answers to frequently asked questions can be found here.