Hannah Donahue ’22 heads to HubSpot grateful for breadth of experience at UNH

Monday, August 8, 2022

Hannah Donahue ’22may not, by her own admission,have been quite ready to say goodbye to UNH in the days leading up to graduation this spring. Butthanks to her time on campus she was more than ready for the next step in her journey — a full-time position at HubSpot.Donahue attended UNH in part because of its renowned business program and maximized every opportunity she couldon campus,taking part inseveral student-run clubs, including Voice Z (UNH’s marketing agency), as well asThe New Hampshire, UNH's school newspaper — all experiencesshe says have shaped her into who she is today.

Hear more students tell their storiesin our.

Jeremy Gasowski | UNH Marketing | jeremy.gasowski@unh.edu | 603-862-4465
David Vogt | UNH Marketing