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UNH marked Veterans Day 2014 with events, ceremonies and community service on campus and in local communities.
On Friday, UNH Army and Air Force ROTC cadets held vigil at the flagpole in front of Thompson Hall from 7 a.m. – 4 p.m., with a changing of the guard every 30 minutes.
Former UNH professor of natural resources David Olsen (center) received the Patriot Award at a ceremony in the War Memorial room at the MUB on Friday, Nov. 7. The honor recognizes Olsen’s support of a former graduate student and was presented by John Pappas (left) of the New Hampshire Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve Committee.
The UNH Army and Air Force ROTC inducted two UNH alumni into the ROTC Hall of Fame on Friday, November 7. Major General Paul L. Ayers and Major Edward F. Mullen both were inducted during a ceremony in the Granite State Room at the MUB.
UNH Army and Air Force ROTC cadets held a retreat ceremony in front of Thompson Hall on Friday, November 7 at 4 p.m.
Cpl. Brandon Garabrant of Greenfield, N.H. was killed while on his first tour of duty in Afghanistan June 20, 2014. A 2013 graduate of ConVal Regional High School, Garabrant’s name was added Nov. 7 to the War Memorial located in the Memorial Union Building at UNH.
Dozens of UNH students headed out to more than 25 different locations throughout the Seacoast and greater Manchester areas on Nov. 11 as part of UNH Serves — a day of community service to honor veterans, and also perform some good deeds for the larger community.
For some students, it was a chance to discover new attractions near the Durham campus — a group of students did yard work at the USS Albacore submarine and museum in Portsmouth, and got a free tour of the inside of the sub. Another group headed to the Woodman Museum in Dover, where they got a chance to see historical artifacts and oddities as they cleaned out the museum’s attic and prepped its Civil War room for renovation and restructuring.