Wednesday, November 2, 2016

the UNH student section at a football game


1. Other members have the same interests as you
It doesn’t matter whether you’re joining the Dairy Club, the ’Cat Pack Captains, the Fencing Club, the Animé Club or any other club that captures your interest. All the other members of that organization will have similar interests to yours or else they wouldn’t have joined. It’s nice to be surrounded by people you can talk to about something you’re passionate about.

2. You always have something to do
Organizations are always holding events, meetings, socials or even just grabbing dinner together. By joining a club on campus, you can easily make friends with people you can hang out with outside of that particular organization’s events.


UNH Entrepreneurship Club


3. You develop a sense of belonging
The people you meet in these organizations will quickly become like a family to you. You’ll hang out, share stories about yourself, learn new things about each other, give each other advice and so much more. These people and this organization could become a second family to you and your home away from home.

4. You make some friends for life
As mentioned earlier, you’ll make friends with people who have similar interests to yours. You could meet your best friends in these clubs, and they could be your friends for the rest of your life.


UNH organic garden club


5. It’s a great résumé builder!
Jobs and internships love to see potential employees who get involved in their community. Join a club related to your major. There’s the Psychology Club, academic fraternities, the French Club, the Pre-Vet Club and so much more.

6. No one looks back on their college experience and says, “Wow, I wish I hadn’t joined that clubâ€
You’re here to make lifelong memories! You won’t regret joining an organization. If you join one and don’t love it, find a new one! There are more than 200 organizations on this campus, so there’s something for everyone. I’m sure you’ll find the perfect club for you!


UNH students with Wild E. Cat and Gnarlz in front of the Wildcat statue
