Hydrographic society inducts Larry Mayer

Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Larry Mayer sits on the stern of a UNH research vessel

Larry Mayer, director of UNH’s and the , was inducted into the Hydrographer Hall of Fame this week at the annual Hydro 2017 conference.

The Hall of Fame was created by (THSOA) to honor hydrographers who have had distinguished careers, contributed to the advancement of hydrographic science and/or provided exemplary service to the society.

THSOA honored Mayer for his work “at the forefront of advances in deep-water sonar, 3D and 4D visualization and the usage of hydrography as applied to the Law of the Sea,” as well as for educating a generation of hydrographers around the world.

Hydrography is the science that measures and describes the physical features of bodies of water.

Lisa Nugent | Web & Mobile Development