Our Commitment to Prevention, Reporting, Training and Safety
UNH is reaffirming – and strengthening – its commitment to preventing and responding to sexual misconduct and interpersonal violence. Drawing on questions and input from community members through fall 2021, UNH created this website to share updates, important resources and progress in our ongoing efforts to keep our community safe and to provide support to survivors.
In December 2021, UNH announced 22 commitments in four focus areas: prevention, reporting, training and safety. These commitments emerged through conversations with many UNH community members. In particular, representatives from the following groups reviewed and contributed to this document:
Academic Standards and Advising Committee (ASAC)
Civil Rights & Equity Office
Community Standards
Faculty Senate Student Affairs Committee
Graduate Student Senate Leadership
Health & Wellness
Prevention Innovations and Research Center
Residential Life
Sexual Violence Action Committee (SVAC)
Sexual Harassment and Rape Prevention Program (SHARPP)
Student Life Directors
Title IX Steering Committee
Undergraduate Student Senate Leadership
University Police Department
As we have completed many of the commitments, we have now updated the list below to include a section to track progress on the recommendations within UNH's Comprehensive Prevention Plan.
Our Commitments
Action Item | Anticipated Timeline | Point of Contact | Current Status | Notes |
Improve promotion for key safety apps (RAVE, uSafeUS, and Transportation App) including during orientation and Wildcat Days. | Fall '22 | Christa Ricker, Director of New Student Programs | Complete | |
Implement UNH's Comprehensive Prevention Plan drafted by prevention specialists in SHARPP and Health & Wellness at the request of the Title IX Steering Committee. | Fall '24 | Nadine Petty, Chief Diversity Officer | See section below |
Action Item | Anticipated Timeline | Point of Contact | Current Status | Notes |
Increase staffing levels in the Civil Rights & Equity Office to add dedicated staff for explaining options, providing supportive measures, and conducting investigations. | Fall '22 | Laura Buchs, Director of the Civil Rights & Equity Office | Complete | Two additional staff positions have been created. Search process underway. |
Update Civil Rights & Equity Office website to ensure language and resources (both confidential and non‐ confidential) are clear and easy to navigate with flow charts and visual representations of different processes. | Fall '22 | Laura Buchs, Director of the Civil Rights & Equity Office | Complete | |
Combine existing policies/definitions into one comprehensive sexual misconduct policy that is easily accessible. | Spring '23 | Mike Blackman, Dean of Students | Complete | Policy is complete and can be viewed in the Code of Conduct found at unh.edu/srrr |
Provide information on legal aid for individuals who wish to have legal assistance, but can't afford it. | Fall '22 | Laura Buchs, Director of the Civil Rights & Equity Office | Complete | Information added to CREO website. |
Redesign the Student Code of Conduct to ensure the student conduct processes is clear and easy to navigate. Improve strategies to distribute the Code of Conduct to the UNH community and clarify misconceptions including ensuring students know that defensive spray is permitted at UNH. | Fall '22 | Alexis Piñero-Benson, Director of Community Standards | Complete | Updated document can be found at unh.edu/srrr |
Ensure faculty and TAs are provided with appropriate training and expectations about letters from the Dean of Students. Proactively inform students of their options if they believe they're not being accommodated. | Fall '22 | Mike Blackman, Dean of Students | Complete | |
Standardize campus‐wide email communication protocol ensuring appropriate representation from SHARPP, AA&EO, and Student Life for new emails related to sexual misconduct. | Effective Immediately | Mica Stark, Chief Communications Officer | Complete |
Action Item | Anticipated Timeline | Point of Contact | Current Status | Notes |
Implement required annual sexual harassment and sexual violence training for all faculty, students, and staff. | Fall '22 | Laura Buchs, Director of the Civil Rights & Equity Office | Complete | Contract signed and required training will be launched in Fall '22 |
Implement required sessions for incoming students during orientation and/or wildcat days | Fall '22 | Christa Ricker, Director of New Student Programs | Complete | Sessions occurring during Wildcat Days |
Implement new virtual orientation platform for incoming students. | Fall '23 | Christa Ricker, Director of New Student Programs | Complete | Content development complete. Will be implemented for incoming Fall 2023 students |
Implement, strengthen, or standardize tailored prevention initiatives to key student groups on campus including athletes, fraternity and sorority life students, other student organization leaders, students studying abroad or in field study experiences, international students, and other student leaders. | Fall '22 | Laura Buchs, Director of the Civil Rights & Equity Office | Complete | Initiatives developed for many groups including athletes, FSL, and study abroad. More to come! |
Standardize and broaden mandatory reporter training and provide it annually. | Fall '22 | Laura Buchs, Director of the Civil Rights & Equity Office | Complete | Standard mandatory reporter training developed and trainings expanded. |
Action Item | Anticipated Timeline | Point of Contact | Current Status | Notes |
Develop dashboard with updated data on reports of sexual misconduct at UNH to be included on central website. |
Fall '22 |
Nadine Petty, Chief Diversity Officer | In progress | CREO has begun conversations regarding development of dashboard. |
Resume annual lighting review to ensure adequate campus lighting. Ensure students know how to report issues. |
Fall '22 |
Paul Dean, Chief of Police | Complete | |
Improve strategies to ensure students can travel accompanied at night. |
Fall '22 |
Mike Blackman, Dean of Students | In progress | $15,000 earmarked for students to form an organization to assist with after-hours escorts. Contact dean.students@unh.edu if interested. |
Continue to ensure all professional and student employees undergo background checks. Require new faculty hires to give UNH permission to inquire with their previous colleges/universities regarding employment concerns. Audit student volunteer positions to ensure positions of authority require background checks. |
Beyond Fall '22 |
Nadine Petty, Chief Diversity Officer | In progress | |
Require students to agree to follow the rules of the Code of Conduct when accepting their admissions offer and paying their deposit. Include question in admissions application regarding UNH's community standards. |
Fall '22 | Mike Blackman, Dean of Students | Complete | |
Review emergency calling options in the residence halls and apartments to ensure students have the ability to make an emergency call in hallways, bathrooms, and other common spaces. | Beyond Fall '22 | Stacey Hall, Assistant Vice Provost for Student Life | Complete |
Action Item | Anticipated Timeline | Point of Contact | Current Status | Notes |
Complete campus mapping project to develop an institutional mandate, procedure, or standardized curriculum related to primary prevention programming and streamline prevention efforts across divisions, departments, and offices. |
Unknown |
Nadine Petty, Chief Diversity Officer | On Hold |
An initial campus mapping effort was undertaken in the fall of 2022. Due to budget reset and significant changes in staffing and programming, a follow-up mapping project will be necessary to bring this information up-to-date in the current context. |
Increase staffing levels in violence prevention offices including SHARPP and Health & Wellness to add additional dedicated violence and health educators |
Summer ’24 & beyond |
Shari Robinson, Assistant Vice Provost of Student Life | In Progress | Funding was secured for 4 positions in the spring of 2023. However, due to the budget reset, 1 position remains funded; it will be housed in Health & Wellness to support sex education efforts & initiatives. |
Establish a peer education program with paid peer educators related to violence prevention, sexual health & well-being, and AOD education. |
Unknown |
Shari Robinson, Assistant Vice Provost of Student Life | On Hold | Impacted by budget reset; dependent on future funding and professional staff positions for oversight |
Include violence prevention within high-level strategic planning & campus messaging initiatives |
Fall '24 |
Nadine Petty, Chief Diversity Officer | Complete | |
Implement biennial climate survey for all UNH employees |
Fall '23 | Nadine Petty, Chief Diversity Officer | Complete | |
Implement biennial ACHA-NCHA & NHHEATOD climate surveys for students | Fall '23 | Kathleen Grace-Bishop, Director of Education and Promotion, Health & Wellness | Complete & ongoing | ACHA-NCHA scheduled for Fall '23. The NHHEATOD survey will not be implemented due to capacity and budget. |
Re‐structure existing sexual violence committees to ensure adequate student representation, a committee dedicated to violence prevention, and a committee dedicated to coordinated community response. | Unknown | Nadine Petty, Chief Diversity Officer | On Hold | Impacted by budget reset; dependent on future funding and professional staff positions |
Deliver opt-in harassment and violence prevention training for all employees | Fall '23 | Nadine Petty, Chief Diversity Officer | Complete | This training was offered through the Get Inclusive online module |
Build scaffolded educational curricula that encompasses IPV, AOD, and sexual well-being; tailor for specific audiences/student populations and follow best practice guidelines | Unknown | Unassigned | On Hold | Impacted by budget reset; dependent on future funding and professional staff positions |
Develop educational & support offerings for parents and families | Unknown | Unassigned | On Hold | Impacted by budget reset; dependent on future funding and professional staff positions |
Have you experienced or observed incidents of sexual misconduct or interpersonal violence? Are you a mandatory reporter? Do you think you may have experienced sexual misconduct and want to connect with someone who can help? Submit a report online. See our reporting FAQs.
News & Updates
February 9, 2022 — United to End Sexual Misconduct and Interpersonal Violence: Town Hall Feb. 16
December 14, 2021 — Update on UNH’s Interpersonal and Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Efforts
December 2, 2021 — Update on Interpersonal and Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Efforts
October 29, 2021 — President Dean: Sexual Violence Has No Place at UNH
President’s monthly update — Update on UNH’s Interpersonal and Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Efforts
Seeking support? Need help? We’re here for you.
SHARPP, Sexual Harassment and Rape Prevention Program
(24/7 help for victims of sexual violence)
Civil Rights & Equity Office
(603) 862-2930 • TTY Users: 7-1-1
Psychological and Counseling Services
(24/7 help for students managing mental health concerns)
Employee Assistance Program
(24/7 for faculty and staff)
University Police Department
603.862.1212 or 911
(24/7 support for any emergency medical or safety concern)