
Image of student meeting with a visiting employer at the 鶹app's Career and Internship Fair

Recruiting and Posting Policies

UNH Career and Professional Successspecifiesthese guidelines to ensureemployershaveasmooth recruiting process andprovide students high quality opportunities.Allemployers wishing to recruit 鶹app studentsmust be in compliance ɾٳ t  , the  , the ,, UNH's Non-Discrimination Statement, state, and/or federal laws. It is unlawful for an employer to use screening criteria based on race, gender, ethnicity, religion, marital status, disability, age, veteranstatus, and other protected classes.Please review the following carefully as we updateourpolicies and guidelines annually.

Employers are expected to maintain the confidentiality of all student and alumni information. All materials received from our students and alumni (letters, resumes, transcripts, should be shared only with those persons at your organization involved in the hiring process.

Employer Account Requirements

In order to be approved at the 鶹app, employer account registrations should include the following: 

  • Organization website, LinkedIn, Twitter and/or Facebook
  • Primary office phone number
  • Primary office address (including street/city/state). Employers located atresidential addresses are required to provide an Employer Identification Number and only recruitment for remote positions will be permitted. Exceptions will be made on a case-by-case basis (ex. farms).


Handshake is intended only for positions suitable to students and recent graduates with 0-5 years’ experience (for MBA required positions, 5+ years will be accepted).  All postings should include a comprehensive summary, with responsibilities and qualifications sections.

  • Positions or programsthat requirean upfront product/service purchase, placement feeor program payment
  • Home-basedpositionseitherfor an individual or organization locatedina home-dwelling(examples include but not limited to baby-sitter, tutor,caretaker, nanny, landscaper or painter)  
  • Campus/Brand Ambassadorrolesthatrequire studentstoadvertise, sell, solicit and/or recruit other students for services and products for pay or non-pay
  • 1099/Independent contractors
  • Human subject participants for any type of study or research that are paid or voluntary 
  • International placement agencies that offer unspecified opportunities abroad 
  • Multi-level marketing organizations thatrequirerecruitingothers for direct sales and benefits
  • Cannabis industry-related roles (it is legal in certain states, but it remains illegal under U.S.Federal Law) 
  • Positions that provide equity only
  • Positions not likely of interest to college students or alumni
  • Positions that misrepresentemployer information
  • Any employers that receive complaints by students, alumni, staff or faculty
  • Any employers that harassUNH students, alumni, staff or faculty

  • Third-party employers can be considered agencies, organizations, or individuals that recruit for temporary/contract, part-time,and/or permanent/full-time positions for other organizations. Third parties can include: 
    • Employment agencies 
    • Recruiting/staffing firms 
    • Contract recruiters  
    • International placement firms 
  • Third-party recruiting firms will only be approved in Handshakeand recruiting activitiesif the company is based in New England for internal and external positions .
  • If posting external positions, the client name MUST be disclosed in the job description in Handshake. Career and Professional Success must be able to verify that the third-party is recruiting for a legitimate job opportunity and has the right to decline recruiting access at any time. 
  • Third-party organizations and positions must be in compliance withtheposting and recruiting policies above. 
  • For further details, please referto . 

Recruiting On-Campus or Virtual

Organizations must be recruiting for career furthering opportunities that are either full-time positions or internships. The positions must be approved in Handshake prior totheon-campus recruiting date. Use of alcohol by candidates as part of the recruitment process, on- or off-campus, is strictly prohibited.UNH reserves the right to deny any organization from recruiting on campus.

Organizations recruiting on-campus must have written approval by a representative from the University. Any questions or inquiries can be sent to employer.relations@unh.edu.

Offer Guidelines

Offers can beanexciting, but stressful time for students. In particular exploding offers (offers with short and restrictive deadlines) can put an enormous amount of pressure on students. “Experience shows the best employment decisions for both students and employers are those that are made without pressure and with the greatest amount of information and transparency. Students given sufficient time to attend career fairs, participate in on-campus interviews, and/or complete the interviewing in which they are currently engaged are more likely to make good long-term employment decisions and may be less likely to renege on job acceptances.”

We suggestrefrainingfrom exploding offers and exploding incentives. When a student receives an offer, it is common that the student will consult with families, career staff,and/or mentors. Time is needed to discuss, decide and find housing and/or transportation.Offerstime periods should be 3 weeks to allow plenty of time to decide on employment or internships.

We strongly discourage students from reneging offers. Please report any reneges to employer.relations@unh.edu.

For more information about fair and equitable recruiting and extending offers, please refer to the .

Internship Posting Disclaimer

The 鶹app posts advertisements and notices of internship and field experience opportunities as a service to students. The postings contain information created and maintained solely by other public and private organizations. The University does not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of this outside information.

The 鶹app has no formal relationship or agreement withtheany of the placement sites and programs advertised or posted here, nor does it have any supervisory or administrative role in any of these programs. The 鶹app does not review, nor does it render an opinion as to the safety, quality, and academic merit of any of these internship or field experience programs and placement sites and in no way represents oracts as agent for any of the internship or field experience placement sites whose notices or advertisements are attached or posted.

Students assume all responsibility to investigate and to become informed of all aspects of the internships and field experience opportunities posted, and the 鶹app assumes no liability for any loss, damage, illness, or personal injury, including pain, suffering, and death, that may be sustained by students in the course of participating in an internship or field experience posted by the University.

UNH Disclaimer

Career and Professional Success reserves the right to decline or revoke services to an organization at any time, including opportunities that do not comply with the 鶹app’s, Career and Professional Success’s policies, NACE principles, or that violates any state and/or federal law. We have the right to modify our policies and conditions at any time. If an organization is unresponsive after 5 business days in Handshake, we will decline your account and/or position.  These policies will be reviewed annually and may be subject to change at UNH’s discretion.