Beauregard Center
Resource | Category | Office | Type |
Middle Eastern Culture Association (MECA)
Audience: Student |
People of Color | Beauregard Center | UNH Student Organizations |
Non-political, non-religious and non-profit student organization aiming to serve the needs of all Chinese students and scholars at UNH.
Audience: Student |
People of Color | Beauregard Center | UNH Student Organizations |
Multicultural sorority focusing on a main goal of promoting the diversity of all women.
Audience: Student |
People of Color, Women | Beauregard Center | UNH Student Organizations |
The first professional sports league to establish an integrated marketing, media, grassroots and social responsibility program for the LGBTQ community...
LGBTQ+ | Beauregard Center, Safe Zones | National Organizations |
You Can Play works to ensure the safety and inclusion for all who participate in sports, including LGBTQ+ athletes, coaches and fans.
LGBTQ+ | Beauregard Center | National Organizations |
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
LGBTQ+ | Beauregard Center | National Organizations |
The Advisory Committee on LGBTQ Issues highlights LGBTQ news and topics related to patients and physicians.
LGBTQ+ | Beauregard Center | National Organizations |
Current legal and legislative information
LGBTQ+ | Beauregard Center | National Organizations |
The Bisexual Resource Center works to connect the bi+ community and help its members thrive through resources, support, and celebration.
LGBTQ+ | Beauregard Center | National Organizations |
The nation’s leading LGBTQ immigrant rights organization.
LGBTQ+ | Beauregard Center | National Organizations |