Exam Accommodations

Students can be approved for many types of accommodations. are one of the most commontypes.Many instructors choose to make their own arrangements for exam accommodations. However, if an instructor needs assistance with implementation, then there are supports available to instructors on each campus.

Exam Support at Durham

The UNH Testing Center at Durham

The UNH Testing Center is a resource available to faculty at UNH Durham. This accessible testing space features 13 monitored exam stations which come with a number of course specific exam software. While faculty are still responsible for implementing all SAS-approved accommodations, the Testing Center can help to ensure certain exam accommodations are being effectively implemented.

Exams are proctored on-site via CCTV by the Testing Coordinator or other SAS proctors. The Testing Coordinator will ensure each student is seated and their testing accommodations are met. Upon completion of the exam, the Testing Coordinator will see the student out and transmit the completed exam back to the instructor (if applicable).

Learn More about the UNH Testing Center at Durham

SAS Proctor Pool

As an instructor, there may be times when you have an exam space available, but do not have a proctor to help support student accommodations. When that is the case, instructors may request a proctor from the SAS Proctor Pool. SAS Proctors are graduate students who can help support instructors with implementation of exam accommodations.Most often this includes proctoring exams in a distraction reduced environment or providing personnel support such as a reader or a scribe.

Steps in the Process

  1. Instructor identifies a potential exam space and time – As a first step, the instructor should identify an appropriate exam space. As needed, instructors can reach out to their department admin for help finding a location. Please identify a space prior to requesting a proctor.
  2. Instructor completes the "" Form (~5 minutes) – Once a space has been identified, the instructorshould complete the “” form. This is a short form that providesSAS with the information we need to look for proctor availability.
  3. SAS notifies the instructor if wewere able to identify a proctor – Please note that SAS may not always be able to identify a proctor. If SAS cannot find a proctor, instructors can work with their department to make different arrangements.
  4. If SAS is able to identify a proctor, instructor completes the "SAS Proctor Pool - Proctor Information" form (~5 minutes) – The purpose of this form is to provide additional information to the proctor about the exam itself. This will help to ensure everyone is on the same page in terms of exam expectations.
  5. SAS connects the proctor with the instructor via email and provides information about the exam details and proctor information – Once the form is completed, SAS will connect the proctor and the instructor. At that time, SAS will send the exam information. Please note that instructors should still connect directly with the student to talk about accommodations and exam details.
  6. Instructor and proctor collaborate and the exam is proctored

Additional Considerations

  • Proctors are only available for exams on the Durham campus - Currently proctors are not available for exams at UNH Manchester, UNH Law, or CPS Online. For exam supports for other campuses, please see the resources below.
  • Proctors might not always be available - Depending on the availability of proctors on the list, SAS may not always be able to find a proctor for an exam. When this is the case, instructors are still responsible for meeting the accommodation needs of students.
  • Requests should be made at least 1 week in advance - Since it can take time to find a proctor and make the appropriate arrangements, requests should be made at least 1 week in advance of the exam.

To complete an SAS Proctor Pool Request, please complete the following form:

For questions about the SAS Proctor Pool, please contact SAS directly:

Contact SAS

Exam Support at Manchester

Administration of exam accommodations are the responsibility of instructors at UNH Manchester. After receiving a student accommodation letter in Accommodate, instructors should talk with the student about how exam accommodations will be implemented. Instructors are encouraged to implement exam accommodations and proctor their own exams.

If an instructor has a challenge meeting an exam accommodation need, the can help support the instructor. For more information about how the CAE can help support exam accommodations, please contact the CAE.

You can also contact SAS for questions about exam accommodations.

Contact SAS

Exam Support at UNH Law

At UNH Law, the Registrar’s Office oversees the administration of Electronic Bluebook (EBB) exams, and supports the implementation of exam accommodations. This helps to ensure that student exam accommodation needs are appropriately met. Instructors should communicate all exam schedules to the Registrar as soon as possible. This ideally should occur within the Faculty Survey at the beginning of the semester, but no later than two weeks before an exam.

If an instructor chooses to administer exams or quizzes, then they are responsible for ensuring student accommodation needs are appropriately met. This can include adding accommodations to Canvas quizzes prior to the beginning of the quiz or making other arrangements as specified within the accommodation letter.

You can also contact SAS for questions about exam accommodations.

Contact SAS