Conditions of Award


The granting of any federal aid (Pell, SEOG, Direct Loans, & Work-Study) is contingent upon:

  • The authorization and appropriation of funds for each program by the federal government;
  • The receipt by UNH of anticipated funding levels in each program;
  • Any changes in federal regulations that affect eligibility status;
  • Final approval of the university budget at projected funding levels.

You will be notified only if it is necessary to revise your aid.

Your financial aid award is based on information you and your family submitted on the application materials. It is your responsibility to notify the Financial Aid Office of any change in your or your family's circumstances. This includes the receipt of any additional financial aid or other resources not indicated on your award letter. If such a change does take place, we reserve the privilege of reviewing and possibly revising your aid.

Use of Aid

Unless you have received a specific, written statement to the contrary, this financial aid may only be used if you are enrolled in a degree program at the 鶹app Durham, Manchester campus or School of Law.

Academic Credit Requirement

Unless noted otherwise on your award letter, your award is based upon full-time enrollment for both semesters of the academic year (12 credits per semester for an undergraduate student and 9 credits per semester for a graduate student). If you are enrolled less than full-time, your aid will be adjusted accordingly (including possible cancellation). It is your responsibility to notify the Financial Aid Office of any change in enrollment status.

Repeated Coursework

A Student may qualify for financial aid when repeating a previously passed course (higher than an “F”) only the first time. A student may repeatedly receive financial aid when repeating the same failed course (SAP policy applies to such cases). However, if a student passed a class once and then retakes it and fails the second time, that failure counts as their retake and the student may not receive financial aid for that class a third time.

Graduate Students

If you will be receiving a tuition scholarship, assistantship or any other aid from your department or the Graduate School, or if you will be enrolled less than 9 credits you should inform the Financial Aid Office in writing immediately. An adjustment in your loan or work-study may be necessary.

Satisfactory Academic Progress

All students receiving federal aid must meet satisfactory academic progress standards in order to be eligible to receive aid through those programs. The current standards for satisfactory academic progress are available here on our website, or upon request from the Financial Aid Office.

Return of Funds

Students receiving federal aid should be aware that U.S. Department of Education regulations govern the refund and repayment of aid when a student withdraws before completion of the semester for which aid has been received.

Duration and Renewal of Aid

Recipients are required to reapply each year since most aid is awarded for one year only. A Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is required each year and must be filed between October 1 and March 1 for the following academic year.


The priority FAFSA deadline is March 1 for the upcoming academic year. Your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) should be received at the Federal Processing Center by this date to receive your award notification in a timely manner.

Student applicants are accountable for the accurate and timely submission of the FAFSA Application.

NOTE: There is a reference on the FAFSA application to "State Aid Deadlines." Do not be misled by these dates. These dates are when the FAFSA must be filed to be considered for aid from your home state. It is not UNH’s financial aid application deadline, or that of most other colleges.

NOTE: To be reviewed for Federal Financial Aid, UNH must have your correct, complete FAFSA by your last day of enrollment for the academic year.

Adjustments to Aid

The Financial Aid Office reserves the privilege of reviewing and possibly revising awards. Applicants should notify the office immediately of any change in either their or their families' financial situation. This includes notifying Student Accounts of the receipt of non-university scholarships.

Most financial aid awards are based originally upon the assumption that students will enroll full time (12 or more credits per semester for undergraduates; nine for graduate students) unless they have notified our office to the contrary. Thus, if students change their status from full- to part-time enrollment, an aid adjustment may result.

If a student withdraws from UNH, an aid adjustment may result.

Divorced/Separated Parents

If the parents are divorced or separated, answer the questions about the parent who provides the greater portion of the student’s financial support, even if the student does not live with them. If both parents provided an exactly equal amount of financial support during the past 12 months, or if they don’t support the student financially, answer the questions about the parent with the greater income and assets. If this parent is remarried as of today, answer the questions about that parent and the stepparent. UNH does not require a non-custodial parent statement.


To be eligible for Financial Aid, you must be admitted to a degree program, enrolled at least half-time (six credits each semester for undergraduates; five credits each semester for graduate students), and be a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen. for a complete list of requirements.

Merit-Based Scholarships and Renewal, Reduction and Revocation Associated with Academic Performance and Conduct

Scholarships awarded through the Office of Admissions aim to provide an incentive to highly qualified students to enroll and excel at the 鶹app. A decision to revoke a scholarship is not taken lightly, nor is it intended to be a purely mechanical process.

At the time scholarships are awarded, students are advised that renewal criteria exist related to both academic achievement and citizenship as a member of the UNH community. Students are expected to achieve a 3.20 cumulative GPA by the end of the fourth semester.

Four semesters allow sufficient time for most students to make necessary adjustments to college to succeed and the 3.20 requirement reflects, effectively, the median GPA for all UNH enrolled students.

A student with a cumulative GPA below 3.20 at the end of the fourth semester, no matter how close to that threshold, warrants notification that the scholarship will be withdrawn. Students may reach out to the Associate Dean of their college to discuss ways to improve their academic standing so that they may petition the Academic Standards and Advisory Committee or ASAC to reinstate their merit-based scholarship. Petitioning ASAC ensures consistency across academic units and provides a common forum for students to have their cases presented.

Outside Scholarships

If you receive a scholarship from your high school or an outside organization, please submit a copy of your award letter and/or check to UNH Student Accountspromptly. Scholarships funds are not credited to the student account until funds are received.

If you are receiving federal aid, regulations state that a student's resources cannot exceed a student's need. If you already have an aid package and your need is fully being met, your scholarship may require a reduction to your need-based award. In many cases, this will reduce the amount of the loans or federal work-study that you were awarded. Check with our office for specific information.

Special Circumstances

Contact our office if you have special circumstances not addressed on the FAFSA. Or, you can download and complete a Special Circumstances Form and submit it to our office for review.

Submitting Your FAFSA

The date your FAFSA is recorded by a federal processor determines whether your application is considered on time (no later than March 1).

After filing your FAFSA, print a copy of each page for your record, including the confirmation page you receive after submission. If there is a problem with the electronic submission, you have proof of on time filing.

Verification and Tax Transcripts

For the 2024-2025 FAFSA, you will be asked to report income and tax information from the previous completed tax year (2022 information). This change allows you to avoid estimating your tax information and having to go back and update it later on. Instead, you will be able to easily use the FUTURE Act Direct Data Exchange (FA-DDX) to import your tax information.

If your FAFSA has been chosen for Verification and you are unable to use the FA-DDX you will be required to provide either official 2022 IRS Tax Return Transcripts or a signed copy of your 2022 Tax Return(s). The IRS forms can be and can be updated via our Secure Upload Form. Please be sure to add your name and UNH ID to the top of documents. In addition, our office requires that youcomplete the appropriate Verification Worksheet Form via Webcatto our office.