Updated weekly, the Foundation Directory provides the most comprehensive and accurate information on U.S. grantmakers and their funding activities.
The UNH Library's subscription to theÌýFoundation Directory at the Professional (all-inclusive) level provides access to:
- In-depth grantmaker profiles of 144,000+ foundations, grantmaking public charities, and companies
- Grant database of over 3 million recent grants
- Information for 200,000+ grant recipients
- Over 1 million IRS 990s — fully keyword-searchable
- Power Search — 54 search fields including keyword search
- Visualization Tools — map and chart 10 years of grant information
To access the Foundation Directory:
- Go toÌý
- Scroll down and select "Foundation Directory"
- If prompted, sign in with your UNH single sign on (SSO) username and password
- Online access to this resource is limited to UNH users.
Assistance in conducting Foundation Directory searches is available:
- At the UNH Library Reference Desk
- From Lynnette Hentges, Research and Large Center Development Office
Phone: (603) 862-2002
Other Ways to Access the FDO
Local sites with Candid/Foundation Center resources available to the public at no charge
to the FDO also can be purchased on-line for as little as one month at a time. Cost varies with extent of access to the directory databases, length of time access is desired, and number of users.