
Durham campus in the winter

Resources that are available to support research and scholarly activity at UNH include assistance with project design, evaluation, and assessment; computing services and software; major equipment; and tools to identify collaborators and partners. The Knowledge Base provides a quick way to search for forms, tools, and other resources provided on the Research Office web site.

building at UNH

Knowledge Base

The UNH Research Office Knowledge Base to designed expressly to support UNH faculty and graduate researchers throughout the research development lifecycle. Searchable by keyword and topic area, it provides access forms, instruction and training material, committee minutes, policies, tools, and other resources to support your research and scholarly activities.

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University Instrumentation Center

The UIC supports the research, teaching, and engagement missions of the University System of New Hampshire (USNH) by providing access to the best analytical instruments, scientists, and engineers.

Explore UIC

researcher in lab

Research Computing Center

The RCC provides exceptional, comprehensive information technology (IT) support for the sponsored research community at UNH and collaborates with higher education, industry, and government to create innovative technologies designed to address important social, environmental, and economic needs.

Explore RCC

Researchein UNH InterOperability Lab

UNH InterOperability Lab

The UNH-IOL provides a neutral environment to foster multi-vendor interoperability, conformance to standards, and improvement of data networking while attracting students to, and educating them for, future employment in cutting-edge technologies.

Explore IOL

researchers in greenhouse

Research Area Experts

Use these tools to find collaborators, topic area experts, and speakers for outreach activities.

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Research Centers & Institutes

Use these links to quickly find UNH’s research institutes and centers that span the breadth of research and scholarly activity across campus and beyond.

Research Centers & Institutes