Project Design and Logic Models

Tufts CTSI/Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design (BERD) Center

ճis a joint program between Tufts CTSI and the Institute for Clinical Research and Health Policy Studies (ICRHPS). Statisticians and Epidemiologists in the BERD Center collaborate with clinical, health services, and basic science researchers throughout Tufts University and Tufts Medical Center and its affiliates. The BERD Center promotes innovation and excellence across the spectrum of translational and patient-oriented research by working with our collaborators to select the optimal study design and plan, and perform the most suitable analysis for the aims of each study.

UNH has an established agreement with the BERD that allows faculty to use the services provided by the Center, with costs for faculty covered by the College of Health and Human Services or the Office of the Senior Vice Provost for Research.

To access the Center's resources:

  1. Create a requisition in USHOP
  2. Submit invoice to FOC for payment

Contact yourif you have any questions.

    Web Resources

    Basic Research Concepts

    A web based tutorial on Basic Research Concepts developed with funding provided by the US Dept. of Health and Human Services, Office of Research Integrity (ORI) that is targeted individuals new to research. The materials presented are intended to provide basic information about research and how it’s conducted. With this framework, those new to research (staff, students) may be better able to understand research and carry out their duties/responsibilities in a manner that preserves the integrity of the data collected.

    Topics include:

    • What is Research?
    • Research Design
    • Elements of Research
    • Methods of Information Collection
    • Handling Information
    • Glossary of Terms
    • Links to Additional Resources
    Common Guidelines for Education Research and Development and FAQs

    A report from the Institute of Educational Sciences/US ED and the National Science Foundation wihch provides:

    • Guidance on building the evidence base in STEM learning
    • Provides guidelines for six types of education “research” projects
    • Overview of the nature, justification, evidence generation and so on for each project type

    A Supplement to the Common Guidelines for Education Research and Development(November, 2018)

    NCATS Clinical Research Toolbox

    Clinical research tools that facilitate trial design, patient recruitment and partnerships for commercialization National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS).

    NIH Research Methods Resources

    Provides investigators with research methods resources to help them design their studies using the best available methods.
    The material is relevant to both randomized and non-randomized trials, human and animal studies, and basic and applied research.

    Logic Models

    Logic Model Templates

    Example formats compiled by RLCD staff

    Logic Model -- University of Wisconsin-Extension

    Logic Model Development Guide -- W.K. Kellogg Foundation

    This report is a companion piece for the W.K. Kellogg Foundation Logic Model Development Guide

    Logic Models -- Dan Ryan, Kathryn P. Hannam Associate Professor, Mills College

    Logic Models for Program Design, Implementation, and Evaluation: Workshop Toolkit

    Resource from U.S. Dept. of Education/ Institute of Education Sciences/ Regional Educational Laboratory Program designed to help practitioners learn the purpose of logic models, the different elements of a logic model, and the appropriate steps for developing and using a logic model for program evaluation.

    TA&D Project Logic Model and Conceptual Framework

    USDA NIFA Logic Model Resources

    Rigor and Reproducibility