Leitzel Center for Mathematics, Science, and Engineering Education
Stephen Hale
The Joan and James Leitzel Center for Mathematics, Science, and Engineering Education at UNHÌýworks to transform education in mathematics, science, and engineering in elementary and secondary schools, and in non-formal settings through high quality research, carefully examined practice, and interdisciplinary collaboration. Stephen Hale, Leitzel Center project director, provides assistance with development and execution of evaulation plans for education and broader impacts activities.
UNH Survey Center
TheÌýUNH Survey CenterÌýconducts mail, telephone, Internet, E-mail, and self-administered surveys for university researchers, public agencies, non-profit organizations, private businesses, and media clients. Past projects include state, regional, and national general population surveys based on probability sampling, surveys which target specific populations, surveys which utilize complex stratified sampling techniques, and panel studies.
Outside Evaluators
Program evaluation and applied research consulting services based in Manchester, New Hampshire
- (Barbara Heath, PhD)
- (Michael Preuss, PhD)
- (Kirk Knestis, PhD)
- Mariko Chang Consulting, Inc. Ìý(Mariko Chang, PhD)
- (Kavita Mittapalli, PhD)
Web and Print Resources
National Science Foundation
Ideas and goals of evaluation within the context of Indigenous ways of knowing about merit and worth, centering education evaluation in traditional ways of knowing
A report from the Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education and the National Science Foundation
How do arts and culture make a difference? A guide to defining social and civic outcomes and indicators
Workshop materials from a National Science Foundation workshop to prepare engineering faculty members to work with an evaluator to plan and implement an effective evaluation of an education research or development project
The evaluation support center for the National Science Foundation’s Advanced Technological Education program that provide webinars, resource materials, newsletters, workshops, and opportunities for ATE community members to engage around issues related to evaluation in the pursuit of excellence in technical education
Wide range of resources that will help individuals learning about evaluation as well as those with many years of evaluation experience provided by InformalScience.org, a central portal to project, research, and evaluation resources designed to support and connect the informal STEM education community in museums, media, public programs and a growing variety of learning environments
Library for professionals seeking to design, conduct, document, or review project evaluations supported by the Division of Research, Evaluation and Communication, Directorate for Education and Human Resources, National Science Foundation
W .K. Kellogg Foundation's step-by-step evaluation handbook for grantees, nonprofits, and community leaders (successor to the original Evaluation Handbook)
A free course-evaluation toolÌýthat allows college-level instructors to gatherÌýlearning-focusedÌýfeedback from students
A manual from the Office of Planning, Research & Evaluation of the Administration for Children & Families, US DHHS, that provides guidelines for planning and implementing a program evaluation.
Guidance from the National Science Foundation (NSF) Division of Research, Evaluation and Communication