Name | Project | Major |
Isabelle Beagen | Henrik Ibsen and the Effects His Work Had on the Life of Eleanor Marx | Anthropology |
Benjamin Bertrand | Swords and Society: The Depiction of Straight and Curved Swords in Illuminated Manuscripts from Europe and the Middle East from 1200 - 1500 | History |
Riley Boss | Preserving a Lost Village: LiDAR Analysis and Ground-Truthing Residual Foundations from the Great Flood of 1938 in East Weare, New Hampshire | Anthropology |
Andrew Case | Threading a Needle Through the Notch: An Environmental History of Construction of Interstate 93 in Franconia Notch, New Hampshire | History |
John Degennaro | Documenting British Colonialism and African Slave History in the Belize Valley: Archaeology and Ethnohistory | Anthropology |
Hannah Drake | Ten Weeks of Storytelling: A Journey through Fiction Writing | English & International Affairs |
Megan Duranko | Behavioral and Biological Markers Underlying Vulnerability to Heroin Abuse | Psychology |
Bridget Farmer | Broadcast Media and Presidential Candidates: A Panel Study of Voters’ Reactions to TV and Radio Coverage of Senator Barack Obama | Political Science/International Affairs |
Jolene Harju | The Balanced Flutist: A Study of the Benefits of Body Mapping on Flute Performance | Music Performance |
Erin Hart | Behavioral and Biological Markers Underlying Vulnerability to Heroin Abuse | Psychology |
Joseph JuknievichÌý | Explorations in Archival Research: The History of Immigrants and the Law | History |
Jennifer Lamontagne | Revival, Renewing Contemporary Religious Art through the Figure | Studio Art |
Jack Loveless | The Tales that Rocks Can Tell | Geology |
Nadine Maliakkal | Parental Legitimacy as a Mediator in the Relation between Parenting Styles and Bullying Perpetration | Psychology |
Cory McKenzie | A Query into the Survival of the Russian Orthodox Church under Soviet Repression | History |
Andrew Minigan | The Reminiscence Bump in Priests’ Oral Life Histories | Psychology |
Tejas Moses | The Study of Form and Decoration in Functional Pottery | Fine Arts: Ceramics & Sustainability |
Rory O'Neil | Targeting Infrastructure in the Middle East: Environment, Conflict, and Law | Political Science & International Affairs |
David Palange | Your Loving Sons: American Warfare through the Eyes of New England Soldiers | History |
Jon Peiffer | "Wild Things": Creating the Music for the 2005 Dance Company Show | Music Performance |
Melanie Platt | New Hampshire Language and Life Project | Linguistics |
Gordon Unzen | The Impacts of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data for Criminal Law | Justice Studies/Philosophy/Psychology |
Dylan Wheeler | The Ability for Artificial Intelligence to Create and Spread Disinformation | Philosophy/Information Technology |
Name | Project | Major |
Kelly Bailey | Perceptions of Shell Shock in World War I Britain | Psychology |
Anna Bruning | Euskal Herria, A Filmic Exploration of Basque Identity | Communication |
Daniel Chaston | The Morin Huur and its Place in Mongolian History and Culture | Music Education |
Talia Connery | Using the Arts in AIDS education | Nursing |
Virginia DeFreitas-Battersby | The Barriers Between the Kitchen and the Campaign: Women & Politics in San Jose, Costa Rica | Political Science |
Brendan Everett | Assessment of Training with vOICe Vision Technology over Time | Psychology/Pre-Med |
Bridget Farmer | Laïcité in France (IROP 2009) | Political Science/International Affairs |
Christopher Foss | Stile Italiano: Bassoon Performance and Pedagogy in Italia | Music Performance |
Brett Gallo | Rhythmic Perception in West African Music | Music Theory |
Jacqueline Gilbert | Cuba’s Water Crisis: Drought, Climate Change, and Decision-making Around Cuba’s Limited Water Resources | Anthropology/International Affairs |
Sarah Gormady | Bolshevik Intention to Soviet Oppression: Jewish Women's Impressions of Stalin's Reign | International Affairs/ Political Science |
Elizabeth Keane | The Aran Islands: Where Synge's Literary Account Intersects My Familial History | English |
Hannah Lawrence | Women’s Rights in Post-Mubarak Egypt | Political Science & Justice Studies |
Jennifer Lindsay | Contemporary Art with Chinese Characteristics: Relations Between Beijing Artists and the Chinese Government Post-1989 | Studio Art/International Affairs |
Isobel Madigan | The Socio-Cultural Effects of Architectural Change inÌýSri Lanka | Anthropology |
Trevor Mauck | Morocco: Transition from an Islamic Monarchy to a Democratic Islamic Nation | Political Science/Philosophy |
Andrew McKernan | Ghosts of Stalin: Ruins and Revival in Contemporary Sculpture & Architecture in Moscow | Russian/Linguistics |
Crystal Napoli | Justice in Taiwan’s "Contact Zone" and the Shaping of Historical Narrative | History & Justice Studies |
Small, Mid-sized Enterprise (SME) Development and Microfinance in Jordan | Political Science/Economics | |
Laura Plummer | Investigating Quinceañera in Puerto Rico | Spanish/International Affairs |
Alexandra Ross-Raymond | Investigating Paula Modersohn-Becker’s Self Portraits | Studio Art/Women's Studies |
Laura Smetana | Perspectives in Post-Communist Slovakia | Political Science/ International Affairs |
Katherine Titus | Examination of Late Chalcolithic Juvenile Human Remains at Çadir Hӧyük in Central Turkey | Anthopology & History |
Anna Visciano | An Educational Youth Drama Program Implemented Cross-Culturally in America and South Africa | Anthropology |
Hannah Waller | Transitional Justice in Post-Conflict Societies: A Case Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina | Political Science/International Affairs |
Jessie Wallner | Finding Tibet in the Heart of Nepal | Anthropology |
Andrew Ware | Distributional Implications of the Development of Artificial Intelligence for Global Policy | Philosophy & Economics |
Merhawi Wells-Bogue | The Role of Governmental and Non-governmental Organizations in Addressing the Needs of Street Children: The Case in Mekelle City, Ethiopia | Journalism |
Daniel Zotos | The Practices and Policies Associated with the Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Fishery in Spain: Perpetuating a Majestic Species amongst the Political Quandary of Fisheries Management Policy | Political Science/International Affairs |