What is the URC?
The annual UNH URC highlights the research, scholarly, and creative projects of undergraduates from all of UNH’s schools and colleges, and features symposia, events, performances and awards. The conference gives students a venue for the important final step in any research, scholarly, or creative project: Ìýpresenting the results to a broad audience. With more than twenty events and over 2,000 presenters, the UNH Undergraduate Research Conference is one of the largest and most diverse events of its kind in the nation, showcasing student work from disciplines across the academic spectrum, from history and music, to engineering, microbiology, and beyond.
Why should faculty encourage students to present at the URC?
Presenting at the URC encourages students to put the finishing touches on their research, scholarly, or creative project. Students prepare their findings and present them before a wide audience of faculty, administrators, friends, and family. In the process, students gain valuable professional skills for career placement or continued education. Post-URC survey responses from student participants reflect high praise regarding their URC experience. In a recent survey of URC participants, 95% of the respondents said that presenting at the URC had a positive impact on their academic experience at UNH. Almost 85% of the students responding stated that faculty mentoring for the URC positively influenced their overall educational experience.
Who "sponsors" the URC?
Although the URC does not have one specific sponsor, the Hamel Center for Undergraduate Research serves as the administrative office for the URC, working together with a campus-wide collaborative network of UNH Community members who bring the conference to fruition each year. Visit URC Community to view the numerous individuals and organizations making active contributions to the URC.
Who attends the URC?
Faculty, students, parents and other family, friends, the general UNH community, alumni, the general public, and visitors from local and regional business communities and government offices.
I have multiple students presenting one team project. How do I register them for the URC?
You can register more than one name (or "presenter") per presentation. You will need to provide specific information about each Student Presenter– i.e., user name, class/status, major, hometown and home state, presentation title, and faculty adviser. Follow the step-by-step registration process on the online registration form.
I have a first-year student who has been an integral member of my lab this year. Can s/he present at the URC?
Yes. ÌýAny UNH undergraduate -- first year through senior -- may present at the URC.
Where can I find more information about which event(s) are most suitable for my student?
Read the event descriptions or contact the URC for help.
My student would like to present at the COLSA URC and The All Colleges Undergraduate Research Symposium. Is this allowed?
Yes. Students may present at as many events as they like throughout the conference, if the event permits. Students who are interested in presenting at more than one venue are strongly encouraged to consider presenting at the All Colleges Undergraduate Research Symposium and/or the Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Symposium (ISE). Any student who has conducted research relevant to the life sciences or agriculture is welcome to present at the COLSA URC.
For information on other events, please read the event descriptions.
How can I find out where my student is presenting?
In mid-April, go to the URC website Home Page and click on URC Program Booklet. Use the student index in the back of the program to locate the page on which the student's name and other information appears. Students will be listed alphabetically within each event (chronological by date) with locations and room assignments noted.
I have a student presenting at the URC. How can I encourage my colleagues and other students to attend her presentation?
Use the URC Email Invitation to invite colleagues and students. Encourage your student to use the electronic invitation to invite family and friends.
Can my chemistry student participate at the Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering (ISE) Symposium even though the project wasn't interdisciplinary?
Yes. The ISE Symposium showcases undergraduate research from many different disciplines.
Can my graduate student present at the URC?
Graduate students can be part of the research team, but the actual research must involve undergraduate students and the undergraduate student(s) must present the final work. If you have a graduate student who wishes to present, please direct him/her to the .
Where can my students get help with a poster or PowerPoint presentation?
Students can be directed to Poster Presentation Help for guidelines on poster development and printing, as well as a gallery of posters for viewing. ÌýFor oral presentations, resources are provided on the Oral Presentation Help page.
How do I know I entered all my students' information correctly?
You will receive a confirmation email after you finalize the registration. Please carefully review all the information you entered for accuracy, as it will be used in all communications and the printed URC Program Booklet.
I need to change my student's final presentation title—how do I do this?
You cannot edit the URC registration information after submission. For any changes you wish to make, please contact the URC.