Thursday, December 22, 2016

In this series, UNH employees express their views onunionization.

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Chipping Away at Solidarity

Last week, I was dismayed to learn that the UNHPA and NEA-NH filed two petitions for unionization at UNH. The bargaining units will include some operating staff as well as some PAT positions. But it is important to note that not all operating staff positions and not all PAT positions on campus are included is this group.ReadMore

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My Experience with a Union

I have been working in the hospitality field for 25 years — restaurants, healthcare and university food service. I consider myself unique in that I pursued a degree in the hospitality field and never looked back.Read More

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Dialogue Is Key

I appreciate dialogue, different perspectives and opposing views and positions regarding the unionization efforts on campus whether for or against. Dialogue on all levels with multiple viewpoints, respectfully and openly presented and received, can lead to something better than that which exists in a vacuum of communication or a lopsided conversation.Read More

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My Experience with a Union

During my career I’ve had many different interactions with union organizations. I’ve been a union member, served as a union officer, been subject to “fair share” participation when I chose not to join the union and also had the opportunity to manage a large workforce of union employees. Through these experiences I’ve tried to rationalize the pros and cons of unionization for UNH’s OS and PAT employees. Here are some of my thoughts based on 30 years of experience. Read More

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Employees Share Thoughts on Unionization

Dear University Community, We think it is important to let the university community know that many staff members are against the efforts being taken by some of our colleagues to form a union. We already have a great place to work! We do not need to win the right to bargain for pay, benefits, working conditions and job security. Forming a union will not give everyone a choice and a voice. Read More

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Don't Be Seduced

I joined UNH Cooperative Extension as an Extension Educator after many years working for private industry and small business. In every one of my previous jobs, I took ownership of company objectives by working hard, challenging things I disagreed with and always respecting the final direction of the one who signed my paycheck. Doing my best to contribute to success of the company was always top priority. Read More

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From a Former Union Member

For more than 20 years I was a union member as a full-time firefighter in the state of New Hampshire; I have first-hand knowledge and understanding of what it means to be in a union. My first concern regarding unionization with the NEA is that while they claim to represents my needs as an employee, I am not an educator. The focus of the NEA is on the educators and students, while they are both important groups, my needs are different and may not always align with theirs. Read More

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Think Long and Hard

Thank you so much for providing a way for me to let my coworkers know what a great place UNH is to work and also the wonderful and very generous benefits we have here. I do not want a union for the UNH OS and PAT workers, and I feel a lot of folks are not being realistic in what they feel the union can provide them and I also think they will be greatly disappointed if the union does come to UNH, when those expectations are not fulfilled; the dues we all MUST pay; the loss of freedom to speak directly with our supervisors regarding our work performance and salary. Read More

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No Need For Union/Middleman Here at UNH

Being an employee at UNH for the past 25 years in the housing department, I have come to appreciate the fairness and respect I have received from UNH. I have received a decent pay raise every year, while two union worker friends of mine went four years without a pay raise and only a small pay raise in the fifth year. There is no need for a union/middleman negotiator on my behalf. Read More

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Losing the Sale

I learned as a salesperson that if I was not speaking to the decision-maker, I was probably not going to make the sale. Having someone else in the prospect company be my advocate, to represent me at decision time, meant that I was turning my fate over to someone else who, in most cases, had their best interests, not mine, at heart. I do not blame them for their approach; but I came to understand that once I lost control of the relationship, things seldom went my way. The easy path was not the path to success. Read More

Would you like to submit a statement or testimonial about the efforts to organize UNH staff? Submithere.