Tyler Wentworth
Tyler Wentworth's Articles
Call for Wildcat Projects
A new marketplace of short-term projects for students and recent alumni. -
Skill Building During COVID-19
COVID-19doesn't have to spell the end of your summer career goals and professional development! Free online tools, a new Summer Career Academy, and more from Career and Professional Success. -
Hacking to Learn
Even though she’s a computer science major, Mallorie Biron ’20 had never participated in a 24-hour hackathon. But when she signed on for this year’s (the third) Hack NH, she found out that majors don... -
On the Road to Professional Success
A bus trip to area employers gets students’ career searches pointing in the right direction. -
Fall(ing) in with Career and Professional Success
Students and employers attend fall Career and Professional Success events in record numbers. -
On Location: The Philippines
Gina Occhipinti ’18 takes over Snapchat to bring viewers along for her Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship in Laguna, Philippines. -
Live from Greece
From the Temple of the Oracle to classes in Athens, Audrey Getman ’19 takes over Snapchat to bring viewers along for her summer studies in Greece. -
On the Water’s Edge
Undergraduate and graduate students take over the“uofnh”Snapchat account to share their ongoing summer research on spawning horseshoe crabs. -
Environmental Interactions
On her Snapchat takeover,Taylor Lindsay ’19talks about her workin the UNH Ecohydrology Lab andthe organization of this year’s Solarfest. -
During his Snapchat takeover,music educationmajor Drew Halpin ’19takes us through his music-filled day and ends withUNH color guard practice. -
Investing with Rines
Finance and accounting major Sean Hickey ’19 takes over the “uofnh”Snapchatand shares his day as a member of the Rines Angel Investment Fund. -
Make Today So Awesome that Yesterday Gets Jealous
Abbey McIntosh ’19 takesover the “uofnh”Snapchat account,talks about her internship with #UNHSocial and takes us to a drawing class. -
Student State Rep
N.H. state rep. Amelia Keane ’17shares her day as a student at UNH Manchester, shows us the state houseand takes us behind the scenes at the URC. -
Communication Calling
Communication major Brian Thibodeau ’17talks about working atthePhonathonand attends UNH'sfirstPhilanthropy Day during hisSnapchattakeover. -
Model UN Takes NYC
Madison Ferreri ’19 and other members of UNH'sModel UNteam share their trip to the National Model UN Conference in New York City. -
An Ear for Opera
Isabelle Hegland ’19 talks about beingavocal performancestudent and an RA andgives an inside look at the UNH Opera Workshop during her takeover. -
At the Center of Stoke
On her Snapchat takeover,Liliana Daly ’17 shares her day as a student,assistant hall director of Stokeandvolunteer atthe Echo Thrift Shop. -
MUB Work Perks
Carrington Cazeau ’17 takes over the “uofnh”Snapchat account for the day and shows what it’s like workingat the MUB. -
Dancing ‘Til Dawn
During her Snapchat takeover,Saege Robinson ’18shares what it’s like to be amember of the UNH Dance Company. -
Alana Davidson ’17 talks about nutrition and the Swipe It Forward programduring her Snapchat takeover. -
Volunteering with New Friends
UNH students sharetheir Alternative Spring Break Challenge tripvolunteering with Habitat for Humanity in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. -
Girls and Tech
On her “uofnh”Snapchat takeover,Abby Koczera ’17takes us behind the scenes attheN.H. Girls Technology Dayevent held at the UNH. -
It’s Part of My Culture
Sydney Phelps ’17 shows whatOMSAis all about, takes us toMOSAICO’s Carnaval event and talks aboutwhy diversity is important to our campus. -
A Passion for Helping Youth
Trevon Bryant ’18 showswhat it’s like to playfootball at UNH and talks about why he chose to major in human development and family studies. -
Joking Around
Kate Haslett ’18 shares her day as acivil engineeringstudent, division Ihockey playerand jokester during herSnapchattakeover. -
Get Out of Your Comfort Zone
Samantha Barrett ’18 takesover the “uofnh”Snapchat account andtalks about studying Russian,being an RA in Stoke Hall and why she chose UNH. -
It’s Because of UNH
Eden Suoth ’18shares his day on campus and thenheads to Boston in the evening to speak at an alumni event during his Snapchat takeover. -
Digital Marketing Symposium Highlights Changes to Industry
The Digital Marketing Symposiumrecently hosted by the Paul Collegedepartment of marketingbrought an interesting mix ofindustry experts to campus to speak about topics in digital marketing. Here... -
I Found My Family Here at UNH
Allison Bellucci ’17 gives an in-depth look at UNH’s aerial dance program and thestudent newspaper, The New Hampshire. -
Good Times in Gibbs
During her Snapchat takeover, Nicki Moody ’18 gives an inside look at the life of a nursing major and talks about being an RA in Gibbs. -
Get Creative with CAB
English teaching major Callie Ierardi ’17 takes over the “uofnh”Snapchat account andtalks about being involved with CAB andUNH CATS. -
Hop on the Train to Portland
Find out just how easy it is totake a day trip to Portland, Maine, withCharlotte Harris ’18 during herSnapchattakeover. -
A Record-Setting Gift
In celebration of their 50th reunion, members of the class of 1966 went above and beyond for their alma mater. At their Golden Wildcat Lunch during Reunion Weekend on Saturday, June 4, the class... -
Quality Time in Paul
Kate Aiken ’19 shows what it’s like being a business major at UNH and stops bythe E-Centerduringher Snapchat takeover.

Career and Professional Success
Director of Marketing, Communication, and Engagement for Career and Professional Success.