Valentini Kalargyrou, associate professor of hospitality management, is in Tel Aviv, Israel, this spring through a grant. She is working on a project at Blackout, a restaurant where patrons are served their meals in the dark, gathering data from employers, employees and guests. Kalargyrou explains, “This is the second paper of a new area of research on social entrepreneurship and disability initiatives in the hospitality industry.”
Subrena Smith, assistant professor of philosophy, has received a 2016–17 Faculty Research Fellowship for her research, “Developmental Systems Theory and Beyond,” which will be an interdisciplinary project involving philosophy, biology and psychology. Smith will evaluate the theory’s strengths and weaknesses.
Summer Cook, assistant professor of exercise physiology, is traveling to Murdoch University in Perth, Australia, to work with an exercise physiologist to develop a fall-prevention program in a retirement village. “This is a new collaboration that will result in publications from the work completed on this trip,” she explains, adding, “It could also lead to future studies and student exchanges between UNH and Murdoch University.”