New Mobile App from Carsey School Allows for Easy Exploration of Federal Government Spending
Ever wonder what federal tax dollars are used for? Curious how much U.S. government spending goes toward the military, health care, or education? Want more information on how the federal budget breaks down and the programs funded by it? Read More-
11/24/20President-elect Joe Biden will appoint Jake Sullivan of Portsmouth as his national security advisor.Sullivancurrently serves as a senior fellow and...
Supporting Research and Economic Development
U.S. Sen. Jeanne Shaheen met with UNH faculty and student researchers in Durhamlast week. -
Candidates on Campus
UNH has long been a hot stop for presidential candidates looking to connect with young voters as they crisscross the Granite State during the long...
Recent Stories
01/29/16 - Kennedy Opposes Nuclear Power
01/29/16 - Secret Service, Support, and a Gorilla...the President Visits UNHOriginally published in The New Hampshire Read More
12/08/15 - The Policy PeopleMichael Ettlinger was a newbie in the tax policy world when his boss turned to him one day and said: “Go do CNN for me.” Those were daunting words for someone who was still... Read More
12/08/15 - Capital OpportunitiesOn Dec. 1, 2009, in an evening address to the nation, U.S. President Barack Obama announced the commitment of an additional 30,000 troops to the war effort in Afghanistan. Early... Read More
12/08/15 - By the NumbersFrom New Hampshire to the nation's capital to the West Coast, there are hundreds of UNH alums with political careers. Some of them knew they wanted to pursue a life of public... Read More
12/08/15 - Primary SourcesWhy does little New Hampshire wield so much power in the presidential nomination process? Read More
12/08/15 - Much Ado About Student VotersOn Election Day 2012, the line of people waiting to register and vote at Durham’s Oyster River High School snaked down long hallways and around corners, doubled back on itself and... Read More
12/08/15 - Mr. Speaker, Public ServantGrowing up on his family’s poultry farm in Hudson, New Hampshire, Shawn Jasper ’89 quickly learned about the pecking order. When new chickens are introduced to an existing flock,... Read More