The Washington Post recently reported on new laws that impact abortion, voting, and concealed carry rights. The newspaper also examined a recent article by Carsey School Director Michael Ettlinger on the disparity between the popular vote and governing power in the United States.
03/04/21Jake Sullivan, Carsey School fellow, was recently the focus of an article published by Breaking Defense, adigital magazine that focuses on the...
03/01/21Michael Ettlinger, director of the Carsey School,was recently quoted by the Tampa Bay Times in theirreview ofeight key calls Florida Governor Ron...
02/17/21Stephen Pimpare, faculty fellow at the Carsey School, was recently interviewed about his book "A People's History of Poverty in America" by FrankNews...
02/11/21After taking unprecedented steps to cope with the pandemic, Gov. Chris Sununu now faces a multi-front campaign to check or weaken the governor’s...
Recent Stories
12/07/20 -Jake Sullivan, facultymember and senior fellow at the Carsey School, was recently appointed as national security advisor forPresident-electJoe Biden.
11/30/20 -An analysis by Dante Scala, Political Science professor at UNH, and Carsey School demographer Kenneth Johnson described the urban/rural divide as a continuum based on population...
11/24/20 -President-elect Joe Biden will appoint Jake Sullivan of Portsmouth as his national security advisor.Sullivancurrently serves as a senior fellow and faculty memberof the Carsey...
11/23/20 - Carsey School Faculty Jake Sullivan Named as President-elect Biden’s National Security AdvisorJake Sullivan, a Senior Fellow and faculty member with the Carsey School of Public Policy, has been named by President-elect Joe Biden as the National Security Advisor for... Read More
11/18/20 -Citing recent research by Carsey School Senior Demographer Ken Johnson and Carsey School faculty fellow Dante Scala, The Washington Postreports that President Trump did best in...
11/04/20 -Michael Ettlinger, the director of the Carsey School, believes thatrural voters have 37% more power to determine control of the Senate.The rural bias of the Senate has existed...
10/27/20 -Dante Scala, faculty fellow at the Carsey School, joined Jake Lahut, politics reporter for Business Insider, and Ella Nilsen, politics reporter for Vox, to discuss the major...
10/26/20 -New Hampshire Listens directorMichele Holt-Shannon told the Union Leader that she’s never seen this level of anxiety and discord prior to an election.“I think the capacity of...
10/21/20 -New Hampshire’s demographics have been working against Republican interests. Unlike other New England states, New Hampshire has seen an influx of new voters between presidential...
09/18/20 -According to a study by Ken Johnson, Dante Scala, and Andrew Smith, migrants into New Hampshireand those turning 18 in the past four years represent 230,000 potential new voters...