
School Funding Study

Patch.com recently reported on the recent impact of the release of the New Hampshire School Funding Study – a joint initiative of the Carsey School of Public Policy and NH Commission to Study School Funding.

Recent Stories

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    Garry Rayno of InDepthNH.org reports on the near unanimous vote by the New Hampshire Commission to Study School Funding to approve it's final report. The Commission was supported...
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    The Concord Monitor reports on the New Hampshire Commission to Study School Funding's final report and recommendations for establishing a more equitable school funding model in...
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    AP News recently covered a New Hampshire initiative aimed at replacing the current model for funding public schools with one based on student outcomes, such as assessment scores...
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    The NH Business Reviewreports on the New Hampshire Commission to Study School Funding and its work on the final report due to the NH Legislature and governor on Dec. 1. The...
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    A modeldeveloped by the American Institutes for Research, hired through the Carsey School, was accepted by the NH Commission to Study School Funding on Sept. 21.Under the model...
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    A report done by the American Institutes for Research, hired through the Carsey School, was accepted by the commission Monday.The result of the report is thatNew Hampshire...
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    According to a report, which was prepared by the American Institutes for Research (AIR) and presented to the commission over the past several weeks,school districts with the...
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    The Commission to Study School Funding, which was formed to calculate the cost of an adequate education, propose a means to pay for it and devise a formula to distribute the...
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    The New Hampshire Commission to Study School Funding – working with the Carsey School of Public Policy –recently released a report that shows that New Hampshire’s current system...
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    Garry Rayno of InDepthNH.org covers the New Hampshire Commission to Study School Funding – working in collaboration with the Carsey School – and the Commission's recent release of...