Vulnerable Families
New Hampshire State Rep Patrick Abrami is sponsoring one of two key bills aimed at altering the state's formula for determining child support payments, which are currently the third-highest in the nation. Many of the changes Abrami has presented came from a 2018 Carsey School of Public Policy...
Making Childcare More Accessible
Carsey School of Public Policy Research Assistant ProfessorJess Carson and Ph.D. student Kamala Nasirova met the summer of 2021 through a mutual... -
02/07/22Childcare for children under the age of 12 has beena struggle for many households in the recent years. An article from the Berlin Sunexamines...
01/26/22COVID-19 has taken a toll on many, but as the economy begins to recover, some demographics are still behind.An article from Policy Genius examines...
01/03/22Todd Bookman of New Hampshire Public Radio recently reported on the nationwide dearth of adequate child care, citing new research from Jess Carson at...
Recent Stories
05/19/21 -Jess Carson, a research professor at the Univeristy of New Hampshire's Carsey School of Public Policy, was recently quoted in The Laconia Daily Sun regarding her research on how...
05/10/21 -According to research published by Jess Carson, research assistant professor with the Carsey School, the pandemic has highlighted the fragility of New Hampshire's child care...
05/07/21 -A recent article by reports that struggling renters in rural Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine are among those receiving the most COVID-19 rental assistance in...
01/04/21 -Carsey School Research assistant professorJess Carson reports that families have likely opted out of in-person classes because of "COVID-19 restrictions in classrooms or the...
12/21/20 -The Keene Sentinel reports on the Jaffrey-Rindge Cooperative School District in New Hampshire voting to fund a full-day, tuition-free preschool program for 3- and 4-year-olds and...
12/14/20 -The pandemic has had a substantial impact on the childcare industry. Fortunately, the state’s early education and child care providers have been able to access state and federal...
11/24/20 -Researchby Jess Carson, research assistant professor at the Carsey School, and MarybethMattingly, policy fellow at the Carsey School, show that the pandemic has proven just how...
08/12/20 -New research from RogelioSáenz and Corey Sparks found that people of color and women have experienced higher unemployment than whites and men during the COVID-19 pandemic, and...
06/01/20 -Research by Jessica Carson of the Carsey School of Public Policy on the spread of COVID-19 in rural counties with seasonal vacation homes was quoted in this Epoch Times article on...
05/19/20 -Carsey School researcher Jessica Carson was quoted in regarding her research intohow government, nonprofit, retail, and volunteer emergency food systems are...