UNH Library Archives Photo Collection Documenting Immigrants in New Hampshire
As the time approached for final projects to be completed in the photography program Becky Field had enrolled in at the New Hampshire Institute of Art (now New England College), she knew many of her classmates were frantically scrambling to pull project ideas together. She, though, was experiencing... Read More-
George Clinton and the Parliament Funkadelic to Perform on Campus Nov. 28
The UNH Center for the Humanities is excited to announce a special campus event to be supported by the Saul O Sidore Memorial Lecture Series. Danny... -
Rare Botanical Book Collection Finds Home in UNH’s Dimond Library
UNH’s Dimond Library is the new home of a rare botanical book collection that includes some volumes dating back as far as the 15th century, thanks to... -
Discovering the Diverse Skills of John Mehrmann: Composer, Performing Musician, and Educator
John Mehrmann is a composer,pianist, organist, choir director,percussionist and teacher who resides in Maine with his wife, Abigail, and two sons.... -
Dane DiLiegro's Path to Becoming the Predator
What do basketball, butchering, Anthony Bourdain and bad-guy movie monsters have to do with each other? Admittedly, not much. But they are all...
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10/13/17 - Arts Across the GlobeUNH music and dance students performed aroundthe globe this summer. Read More
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