College of Life Sciences & Agriculture
Living Labs: How Experimental Forests Offer Insights into Small Mammal Population Dynamics
UNH study reveals how small mammals adapt reproduction to forest seed cycles, influencing seed dispersal, tree regeneration, and forest ecosystem resilience. Read More-
UNH Graduates, Faculty Featured Prominently in Annual '40 Under Forty' List
The 鶹app was prominently represented on the Union Leader’s annual 40 Under Forty award list for 2025, with eight Granite State... -
Nicholls ’25 Becomes First UNH Student to Receive Gates Cambridge Scholarship
Sarah Nicholls ’25 has been awarded the Gates Cambridge Scholarship, becoming the first UNH student to ever receive the award. Approximately 25 such... -
Unlocking Nature’s Ice-Binders
UNH scientists study antifreeze proteins to improve cryopreservation methods, aiming to revolutionize medicine, agriculture, and biotechnology with... -
Nine Students to Study Abroad Thanks to Gilman Scholarships
Nine UNH students earned the chance to see and study in different parts of the world as recipients of the Benjamin A. Gilman International...
Recent Stories
08/13/19 - Assaulted MarshNew UNH research is shedding light on why salt marshes are being lost to sea level rise and how to save them from destruction. The study, which was recently published in the... Read More
08/13/19 - The "Glue" to Watson LabsAbove Win Watson’s desk hangs a retirement gift: the “Watson Lab Tree,” an illustration representing all the students who worked for him the past 41 years at UNH. The zoology... Read More
08/12/19 - Summertime at Woodman FarmThe Woodman Horticultural Research Farm focuses on the research, teaching, and outreach on the production of horticultural and ornamental crops. Research projects include... Read More
08/09/19 - So Much To Do, So Little TimeUNH master's student relies on graduate student resources to finish his thesis. Read More
08/05/19 - Informing Arsenic Policy With ResearchResearch from a team of economics researchers from UNH helped New Hampshire pass lower limits for arsenic in municipal drinking water. Read More
07/30/19 - Dam DilemmaNew survey data shows that New Hampshire residents favor removing dams unless they're providing hydropower. Read More
07/29/19 - NH Veterinary Diagnostic Lab Identifies Virus in Chimney SwiftsPathologists with the New Hampshire Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory at UNHhave identified the first reported virus in chimney swifts, an adenovirus called Chimney Swift... Read More
07/01/19 - Jessica Fury: From Dairy Cows to ReindeerA love of animals set Jessica Fury ’19 on a path to a UNH education. Now, that same passion has her about to embark on a unique career: Fury is moving from the UNH Organic Dairy... Read More
06/27/19 - Crabs in PerilNew research from UNH has found that horseshoe crabs, whose blue blood is harvested by the biomedical industry for its unique ability to test devices and injectable drugs for... Read More
06/26/19 - The Long Trajectory"I’m a classic case of having had an amazing teacher who challenged me." Read More