Cancellation Information

The Spring 2025 cancellation request will be available starting November 1, 2024 in the Housing Portal.

When a student chooses to live on campus, they are committing to a full academic year (Fall & Spring semester)Ìýhousing assignment. The Room and Board Agreement, which students agree to as part of the online housing application, clearly states this as part of the terms and conditions of living on campus. However, we recognize that there may be times when a student needs to cancel their on-campus housing assignment. All cancellation requests must be submitted to UNH Housing via the housing portal. All cancellations are subject to cancellation fees, as noted in the Room & Board Agreement and on this website.ÌýPlease read the cancellation information and process thoroughly.

If you are looking to request an exemption for the On-Campus Housing Requirement, please visit the housing requirement webpage.

Types of Cancellation

There are two types of cancellation - approved and non-approved. Each type is subject to its own cancellation schedule of fees and refunds.

Approved Cancellations

´¡²ÔÌýapprovedÌýcancellation means that the reason for cancelling housing meets one of the pre-approved grounds for cancellation.

Jump to Approved Cancellations

Non-Approved Cancellations

´¡Ìýnon-approvedÌýcancellation means that the reason for cancelling housing does not meet one of the pre-approved grounds for cancellation.

Jump to Non-Approved Cancellations

Approved Cancellations

The following reasons constitute the only approved reasons for release from the Room & Board Agreement and an on-campus housing assignment:

  • GraduationÌý– For students who will be graduating during the period of their housing assignment. Most commonly this is students who graduate in the Fall semester and do not need Housing in the Spring semester. UNH Housing will verify graduationÌýwith the Registrar’s office.
  • Internship –For students participating in an internship that is for UNH credit and at a distance that would prohibit living in campus housing. Student is responsible for ensuring that verification of internship is submitted to Housing by the appropriate University department.
  • Leave of Absence or Official University Withdrawal – For students taking a leave of absence from UNH or withdrawing from the University. The UNH Registrar’s office will automatically alert UNH Housing when your leave/withdrawal is processed.
  • UNH Sponsored Study Abroad, National Student Exchange or Washington Center – For students participating inÌýa University sponsored program study abroad/away program. Student is responsible for ensuring that the appropriate University department provides written verification to Housing.
  • Academic Suspension – Housing is notified by the Registrar's office when a student's is academically suspended from UNH.

Expand the section below to view the schedule of fees/refunds for approved cancellations.

    Approved cancellations are subject to the following cancellation schedule:

    Petition for Release Submitted Cancellation Fee Refund of Fall
    Semester Charges
    Refund of Spring
    Semester Charges
    By August 1 No Fee 100% 100%
    By August 15 $500 100% 100%
    By first Friday of Fall semester $750 Pro-rated to checkout date 100%
    By second Friday of Fall semester $1000 Pro-rated to checkout date 100%
    By fourth Friday of Fall semester $1500 Pro-rated to checkout date 100%
    After fourth Friday of Fall semester and
    prior to first day of Spring semester
    No fee No refund 100%
    By first Friday of Spring semester $750 No refund Pro-rated to checkout date
    By second Friday of Spring semester $1000 No refund Pro-rated to checkout date
    By fourth Friday of Spring semester $1500 No refund Pro-rated to checkout date
    After fourth Friday of Spring semester No fee No refund No refund
    Petition for Release Submitted Cancellation Fee Refund of Spring Semester Charges
    By January 15 No fee 100%
    By first Friday of Spring semester $750 100%
    By second Friday of Spring semester $1000 Pro-rated to checkout date
    By fourth Friday of Spring semester $1500 Pro-rated to checkout date
    After fourth Friday of Spring semester No fee No refund

    Non-Approved Cancellations

    Requests for release from the Room & Board Agreement for any other reason, than what is listed in the Approved Cancellations section above, are considered non-approved. Common examples of non-approved cancellations include, but are not limited to:

    • Students who live on campus for the Fall semester and want to move off-campus for the Spring semester
    • Students who live on campus for the Fall semester and want to commute for the Spring semester
    • Students who live on campus for the Fall semester and want to move into a Fraternity/Sorority housing for the Spring semester

    Expand the section below to view the schedule of fees/refunds for non-approved cancellations.

      Non-approved cancellations are subject to the following cancellation schedule:

      Petition for Release Submitted Cancellation Fee Refund of Fall
      Semester Charges
      Refund of Spring
      Semester Charges
      By June 1 $500 100% 100%
      By August 1 $1000 100% 100%
      After August 1 No fee No refund No refund
      Petition for Release Submitted Cancellation Fee Refund of Spring Semester Charges
      By January 15 $500 100%
      Before first day of Spring semester $1500 100%
      As of first day of Spring semester No fee No refund

      Requesting a Cancellation

      All cancellation requests must be submitted online via the Petition for Release in the Housing Portal. Follow the steps below to submit a Petition for Release.

      1. Log in to your Housing Portal (clickÌýthe blue button below)
      2. Navigate to My Booking on the menu bar
      3. Click the blue 'Select' button on the semester you are petitioning for
      4. Select the Petition for Release option, complete the form and submit.



      Cancellation FAQs

      All decisions will be delivered to the requesting student via their UNH email. We process requests as quickly as we can, but a date of when a decision is available can be impacted by a variety of factors, including missing information in the request, failure to respond to questions from our office, verification with another campus department, and the number of petitions pending to be processed.

      It’s not quite that simple. The Room & Board Agreement is not transferrable, meaning we do not simply transfer your commitment to another student. Additionally, we do not always have a waitlist of students wanting on-campus housing. It is very important that we maintain occupancy levels in order to meet our budgetary requirements and keep housing rates as low as possible.

      No, you will not be released from the Room & Board Agreement in order to move to a fraternity or sorority house. UNH's Fraternity & Sorority Life office and FSL organizations are aware of this policy.

      At this time, part-time students are welcome to apply for on-campus housing! Please note the following important details for part-time students:

      • If you are a full-time student for the Fall Semester and become a part-time student in the Spring semester, this does not automatically release you from your housing commitment. If you are changing to a part time status student, please contact Housing to discuss this change.
      • IfÌýoccupancy projections anticipate a high need for on-campus housing for full-time students, part-time students may be placed on the waitlist and will be offered space according to waitlist protocols.

      Students with full academic year (Fall & Spring semesters) housing assignments and dining plans, who have had a request to cancel be denied, are responsible for paying for their full academic year charges.

      If you have circumstances that you believe will prevent you from meeting any due dates, please contact Housing to discuss your situation.