Gender Inclusive Housing

UNH recognizes the importance of providing students an environment in which they are comfortable, safe, and welcomed— including considering the gender identity of roommate(s). For this purpose, we have gender inclusive housing options available across campus. In these spaces, students may choose to share a room with someone of any gender identity that is most comfortable and appropriate to them.

  • Out of twenty-five residence halls, twenty-one hallsand all on-campus apartments (Gables & Woodside)have spaces that are classified as "flex gender"(these spaces are not designated for any specific gender). Flexspaces are available to students who opt into gender inclusive housing.At this time, Christensen, Hitchcock, and Lorddo not offer flex gender spaces.
  • Fifteenout of the twenty-one residence halls offering flex gender spaceshavea gender inclusive bathroom(s) in the community. If you are interested in living in a hall with a gender inclusive bathroom, please referencethe list available below.

While there are flex gender spaces almost all over campus, two themed communities (click on the links below) are designated for gender inclusive housing. All students who live within these themed communities have opted into gender inclusive housing and agree to the communities' terms.

First-Year Student Gender Inclusive Community

Lavender Community (any class year)

How it Works

It's simple - students that are interested in living in a gender inclusive space can choose this option (select gender inclusive housing) within their.Selecting gender inclusive housing will allow the applicant to see all available flex gender rooms and form a group with other students who have joined gender inclusive housing, regardless of their gender identity.

  1. On the "Roommate Matching" page of the housing application, an applicant would just need to click a checkmark when prompted.
  2. The student can read and accept the community's agreement, as well as add their pronouns and other relevant information.
  3. Applicants will be able to form a "Roommate Group" with other students that are part of gender inclusive housing only.
  4. During the selection process, roommate groups can choose any flex gender space or areas specifically designated for gender inclusive housing.

Additional Information & FAQs

  • Once a room or suite is designated as mixed-gender, it will remain mixed-gender for the duration of the academic year. In the event of a vacancy, the remaining resident is given an opportunity to pull in a roommate of their choosing, within a specific timeframe (usually 48 hours). Then, normal housing process of roommate matching occurs.
  • The University encourages students to discuss their housing assignments with their parents/guardians before selecting gender-inclusive housing. All students are able to sign their own housing contracts. As a general rule, students are not released from signed housing contracts due to changes in preferences.
  • The University will not require any student to disclose the nature of their interest in gender inclusive housing. However, UNH strongly discourages the use of this option for romanticrelationships.

All restrooms specified below offer full bathroom amenities including shower, sink, and toilet. There are many additional gender inclusive single-use restrooms throughout our residential buildings that are simply labeled “restroom” that offer a sink and toilet, but do not offer a shower.

Signage: "Gender Inclusive"

  • Alexander Hall – 1st floor community restroom (Bathroom 134)
  • Babcock Hall– 2nd floor community restrooms
  • Congreve Hall –Every floor (Bathrooms G22, 158, 272 and 360)
  • Devine Hall – Community restrooms available on every floor (Bathrooms 102T, 202T, 302T and 402T)
  • Eaton House – 1st and 2nd floor single-use lockable restrooms (Bathrooms 102T, 119T, 208T, 209T, 218T)
  • Engelhardt Hall – 1st floor community restroom (Bathroom 119)
  • Fairchild Hall – 1st floor community restroom (Bathroom 113T)
  • Hall House - 1st and 2nd floor single-use lockable restrooms (Bathrooms105T, 121T, 122T and 204T)
  • Haaland Hall – 2nd and 4th floor single-use lockable restrooms(Bathrooms 224T and 424T)
  • Handler Hall – 2nd and 4th floor single-use lockable restrooms (Bathrooms 252T and 452T)
  • Hunter Hall - 1stfloor community restroom (Bathroom 111)
  • Marston House - 1st and 2nd floor single-use lockable restrooms (Bathrooms105T, 121T, 122T, 204T and 213T)
  • McLaughlin Hall – Ground floor community restroom(Bathroom G07)
  • Richardson House - 2nd floor single-use lockable restrooms(Bathrooms103T, 119T, 208T, 209T and 218T)
  • Stoke Hall – 8th floor community restroom (Bathrooms 242T, 342T, 442T, 542T, 642T, 742T, and 842T)

Additionally, UNH offers a list of gender inclusive restrooms across campus. You may also view it as a map. UNH is constantly evaluating new locations to implement gender inclusive restrooms, as they benefit everybody in the community. We hope that your visit to this site marks the beginning of a conversation, not the end! If you have additional questions, ideas or concerns, we’d love to hear from you via email, over the phone, or in person.

With few exceptions, UNH students can choose to live anywhere they like on campus! Students self-selecting housing can assign themselves with roommates regardless of biological sex, gender, or gender identity when they opt for gender inclusive housing in the housing application.

As part of gender inclusive housing, applicants can choose to identify their gender identity. This will be visible on their public profile during their search for roommates. Applicants can also choose to publish the gender identity they are most comfortable rooming with.

Housing and Residential Life are committed to ensuring that UNH’s residential communities are a safe and supportive environment for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning students to discover, learn and grow. Our staffs are here to promote the academic and personal success of all our students. Whether you are an ally, an out student, or someone who is not out, these are some resources here for you at UNH: The Beauregard Center,. Visit the UNH Safe Zones - Transgender/Gender Identity Resource Page for additional information, health education, support groups, and news.

Please visit the Registrar's Preferred Name Change site to make this request and see the places where your preferred first name will automatically change within UNH's systems.

Housing & Residential Life are committed to creating communities that are inclusive and supportive of LGBTQA+students. We hire staff who are inclusive, we offer programs that are educational and that celebrate diversity, and we have a protocol in place to address prejudice incidents in the halls.

Each residence hall and apartment has a full-time Residence Hall Director or Apartment Manager who lives in the building and is responsible for making the hall a vibrant, respectful, educational community. We also provide extensive diversity training to our student hall staff (RAs/CAs). We educate residents about a variety of topics and diversity is high on our list of priorities. Our goal is to encourage students to explore and celebrate diversity. Our staff aggressively confronts anti-gay sentiments in our halls. We simply won’t tolerate this type of behavior whether it is written or verbal. We realize we can’t necessarily change people’s beliefs, however, any acts of prejudice directed at under-represented groups in our community will not be tolerated.

More Information:Lu Ferrell, AssociateDirector of the Beauregard Center and Coordinator of LGBTQA+ Initiatives