Curtailed Operations

The decision to curtail is made when the campus is, or is expected to be, unprepared for parking, pedestrian traffic, and local road conditions preclude the continuation of bus service and/or there are utility and power outages that impact our working environment.

Our goal is to announce curtailment prior to the day of the weather event. A decision to curtail or delay operations will be announced via the following outlets.DO NOT call the UNH police department to inquire about curtailed operations.

Employee Guidelines
  • If you are designated as “Essential Staff”, you are expected to report to work.
  • If you are not designated as “Essential Staff”, employees should not report to work at campus locations (if you are unsure if you are considered an essential worker, please ask your supervisor). This will allow our grounds teams to clear our miles of parking lots, roadways and walkways, many which need to be shoveled by hand.
  • If you have the ability to work from home and there are tasks that you can perform remotely during a curtailment, please work as you are able. For those who currently have a flex work arrangement in place to work remotely, continue your remote work through the curtailment.
  • In cases of internet/power outage at your home, please perform whatever work you can offline. Before the predicted storm or event occurs, work with your supervisor to plan in advance to arrange tasks that can be done without electricity.
  • If you are hourly paid and can’t work a full day, please log the hours you do work on your timecard. For status hourly employees, submit a Curtailed Operations time off request in Workday for any scheduled hours you are not able to work. (see to enter the request in Workday).  Only status hourly (benefitted) employees are eligible for curtailed operations pay.
  • If you had a previously approved personal day off (unrelated to the weather conditions), the day should remain a personal day.
USNH Policy


Campus Details

Transportation:  Wildcat Transit and Campus Connector will not operate during curtailed operations.

:  When the university curtails operations on the Durham campus, Holloway Commons and Philbrook Hall will operate from 9 a.m. until 7 p.m. All other dining venues will close until the university reopens.

Building Access

Durham campus buildings are locked during curtailed operations. Campus Recreation will remain open unless otherwise noted. If you must have access during curtailed operations, please see your supervisor about obtaining a key. DO NOT call the police department to give you access. Laboratory work using hazardous materials or processes is not permitted during curtailed operations due to increased risk of power interruptions and delays in emergency response.

UNH Durham is a walking northern New England campus. Snow and ice are a fact of life in our climate. If we do not declare curtailed operations, all offices are open and all classes are held as scheduled- please use common sense. Wear proper footwear for the weather.

Staff: if you don’t feel safe traveling to campus, please contact your supervisor, and stay home and utilize personal or earned time, or use accrued compensatory time. Prior arrangements must be made with your supervisor to take advantage of another flexible work arrangement as outlined in (such as working remotely)

Faculty: if you don’t feel safe traveling to the Durham campus please make special effort to contact your students, especially commuter students, so that no one travels to campus unnecessarily

To report work-related incidents and injuries Workers' Compensation

Winter Parking: The university’s winter parking ban (WPB) commences January 3rd and concludes on April 1st, although start/end dates may be adjusted by official announcement if weather predictions require.  While in effect, the WPB is in force 12:00 a.m. – 6:00 a.m., every night regardless of weather conditions.  Make yourself familiar with what lots are open, closed, and when.

NOTE: UNH College of Professional Studies, UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law,  and Cooperative Extension County offices make weather-related decisions independent of UNH Durham.