Documentationrefers to the in-text citations and references (bibliography) which indicate where the author found specific information and/or quotes not his/her own. Authors should use the貹Գٳپdocumentation style appropriate to their discipline: APA, MLA, Chicago, or ASA. (No superscripts, please.) Do not interrupt sentences with parenthetical citations; please put them at the end of the sentence.
The list of sources that are cited should be titled “References” and should be placed at the end of the body of the article. Only the sources that are cited in the article should be listed in References. Any explanatory footnotes (those that do not give source information but instead explain or give background) should be incorporated into the body of the article. If you have questions, please ask theInquirystaff or your mentor for help.
Imagesare very useful in illustrating the content of an article. In addition to being featured inInquiry, images may also be used on various UNH web pages, including the Hamel Center for Undergraduate Research. Images can be photos, drawings or paintings, tables, graphs, and the like.
A maximum of six images may be used in a research article; four images in a commentary; and 2 images in a research brief.One image must feature the author, preferably engaged in research, to accompany the author’s bio page. Other images should relate directly to information in the text and will be placed accordingly. Numbered images should be referred to in the text, e.g., “Figure 3 shows the variations in time and temperature . . .” or in parentheses, e.g., “(see Fig. 3).”
Please donotembed images in the text. Instead,images are to be submitted as separate image files, such as .jpg, .png, or .gif. Each should be identified by author’s last name and subject. Please supply the highest resolution file you have of an image, i.e., not reduced in size to facilitate email or the like. Video and audio clips should be sent separately as zipped (.zip) files.
Captionsshould be short and explain everything in the image, especially captions of graphs and tables. Tables, graphs, diagrams, etc. should be called Figure (or Fig.) and be numbered consecutively. Put captions in a separate document with the label of the image each belongs to.
When images are not made by the author and are not in the public domain, the authormust request permissionto use them. In a photo, if a person is identifiable, he/she must grant permission (in writing) for the photo to be used. In addition, proper photographer or source credit should be included at the end of each caption when appropriate.Images pulled from online sources are not necessarily in the public domain.You must verify their status. AskInquiryeditors for help with this.