
Resource Category Topic Type
Sponsor Approved Budget process
Award/Funding Management Administrative, Budget Guidance
Guidance for Principal Investigator Absences on sponsored projects
Award/Funding Management, Proposals Administrative Guidance
Government Shutdown Information
Award/Funding Management, Proposals Administrative Guidance
Guidance on changes to programs for Principal Investigator (PI) during the life of an award.
Award/Funding Management Administrative Guidance
Guidance for no cost extensions.
Award/Funding Management Administrative Guidance
Guidance on PI award transfer to another institution.
Award/Funding Management Administrative Guidance
Guidance on award review and reconciliation.
Award/Funding Management Administrative Guidance
Guidance on monitoring budgets.
Award/Funding Management Administrative Guidance
Guidance on limitation of costs for federal contacts
Award/Funding Management Administrative Guidance
Key personnel guidance.
Award/Funding Management Administrative Guidance