
Resource Category Topic Type
Prior to posting any expenses to a grant, it is the responsibility of the Financial Support Specialist/Business Service Assistant to ensure the expens...
Award/Funding Management Administrative Guidance
Case answers from the 4.9.19 Research Administration Training Series session
Award/Funding Management, Proposals Administrative Guidance
This COGR paper describes how a reliable “Facilities and Administrative” (F&A) cost reimbursement policy is critical to the continued success of ...
Award/Funding Management Administrative Guidance
Guidance from NSF on the salary cap
Award/Funding Management Administrative Guidance
DOC Research Performance Progress Report submission guidance
Administrative Guidance
Simplified and streamlined Principal Investigator reporting package highlighting prior month activities and provides a full quarter of expenditures
Award/Funding Management, Proposals Administrative Guidance
Subrecipient Monitoring Guide
Award/Funding Management Administrative Guidance
Subcontract vs Vendor Checklist
Award/Funding Management, Proposals Guidance
Financial Management
Financial Management
Sponsor Approved Budget process
Award/Funding Management Administrative, Budget Guidance