Prevention Education at UNH
The SHARPP Center’s prevention education trainings are informed by research- & evidence-based best practices as well asthe CDC’s recommendations on sexual violence prevention.The goals of these programs are to build skills, increase knowledge, and change attitudes and beliefs that contribute to violence.We deliver these programs to UNH undergraduate and graduate students, as well as staff and faculty. Invite us into yourresidence halls, academic classrooms, Fraternity & Sorority chapters, student organizations, department meetings, campus recreation & athletic teams, etc.!
Don’t see what you need or want from our provided list of potential programs? No worries,you can ask for a custom-designed training to meet your audience’s needs.Just click the “Design Your Own” option on our program request form, tell us a little about what you're looking for, and a SHARPP staff member will connect with you to finalize details.Please note: we typically request 2 weeks' notice on program requests, especially for customization.
Looking for a SHARPP Center program for students at UNH Law or UNH Manchester/CPS? Please click below:
Don’t cancel your class! If you need to be out, either with advance notice or in unexpected instances, we will cover your class with one of our programs. We will do our best to accommodate last minute requests! Programs listed below with 60- and 90-minute durations can be adapted for 50- and 80-minute classes respectively.
We recommend that you pair our programming in your hall or chapter house with our bulletin board messaging and marketing materials. Many of our programs have complementary visuals that you can use to reinforce the information we present in a training, or we can customize to meet your vision. One excellent way to do this is to put up a board in the weeks leading up to or after a program.
Our trainings and programs:
- are delivered by SHARPP Center staff and/or trained student Community Educators
- are research-informed and utilize evidence-based curricula
- can include lecture, discussion, video/multimedia elements, interactive activities, and experiential learning
- are delivered in-person but may be facilitated virtually on a case-by-case basis
- are available to the UNH community only (outside requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis)
- require a two-week notice for booking (anything less than two weeks is subject to availability)
- can be delivered at most times throughout the week (limited weekend availability - please request well in advance; no Friday or Saturday evenings)
To request a program, click the link toourform below and a SHARPP staff member will be in contact ASAP. If you have any questions, call our Prevention team at (603) 862-3494 or email our Prevention Specialist.Scroll down to see our list of offerings and program descriptions.
Please read our program descriptions below before filling out the program request form!
Short & Introductory Programs
Duration: 20-30 minutes|Can be offered virtually via Zoom
A brief overview of The SHARPP Center’s services and how students, faculty, and staff can access this resource. This program includes an overview of interpersonal violence as an issue on UNH’s campus as well as information about how to get involved. SHARPP 101 is a short introduction program that can be paired with other offerings listed below.
SHARPP Jeopardy!
Duration: 45-60 minutes|Participant max: 30(If your group size is larger than 30, ask about options for accommodating larger groups.)
An interactive trivia game that covers a wide range of topics related to The SHARPP Center's work and mission. Participants will learn about important vocabulary, statistics, and concepts related to interpersonal violence, as well as key information about campus resources. This program is highly customizable and can be altered to include categories and questions that are relevant to specifictopics, populations, and needs. SHARPP Jeopardy! is informal yet informative and a great option if you are looking for a non-lecture-based program.
Connecting the Pieces: Consent-Based Teambuilding Activity

Duration: 30-60 minutes|Participant max: 20(If your group size is larger than 20, ask about options for accommodating larger groups.)
In small teams, participants solve a large floor puzzle to reveal the definition of consent. Varying levels of difficulty are achievedthrough the use ofblindfolds and rules limiting teams’ modes of communication. Discussion about teamwork, communication, and consent follows the activity.
Lobby Programs
Lobbyprograms are a unique way to engage students in2-3 minuteconversations within a residence hall or other common space. They are often set up in hall lobbies to catch people’s attention as they enter & exit. Lobby programs work especially well when there is not an opportunity to schedule a longer, more formal program.
Informational Tabling
Information on The SHARPP Center’s services & various topics under the umbrella of interpersonal violence. Can include giveaways & outreach materials.
Prize Wheel Tabling
A trivia game that involves spinning a large wheel and answering questions related to consent, healthy relationships, substance use, bystander intervention, etc. Includes small giveaways for participants and larger prizes for winners. This game can be easily adapted for various topics, audiences, awareness campaigns, etc.
Hot n Ready: The Pizza-Consent Connection
This interactive, hands-on activity uses the metaphor of ordering a pizza to demonstrate the key elements and behaviors inherent in a consensual process. Participants work to order a pizza from start to finish in a way that is based on the needs & desires of all group members, with humor and fun sprinkled throughout.
Ice Cream Sundae Consent Bar
Duration: minimum of 1 hour, can last until supplies run out | Supplies must be provided by the requestor
Beat the heat or embrace the cold with an ice cream sundae bar that models the ongoing process and exchange of consent. Facilitators use humor and enthusiasm to showcase consent communication skills rooted in fun & casual playfulness. Sundae supplies are to be provided by the requestor, though The SHARPP Center may be able to assist with expenses on a case-by-case basis. Connect with our staff to discuss supplies & funding.
The Traveling Clothesline Project

Duration: 3+ hours - multiple days (determined by requestor)
TheClothesline Projectis a display of t-shirts made by survivors of sexual assault and relationship abuse set up in lobbies or other common areas.Each t-shirt was anonymously created by former and current UNH community members who have chosen to share their story and spread awareness about the issue of interpersonal violence. The clothesline can stand alone as a visual gallery or be paired with an interactive t-shirt making activity for survivors and allies.
Design Your Own
Don’t see anything above that quite fits your vision? Select the “design your own” option on ourand a SHARPP staff member will reach out about customizing a lobby program.
Prevention Trainings & Workshops
The SHARPP Center’s longer format trainings& workshops are informed by research- and evidence-based best practices as well as the CDC’s recommendations on sexual violence prevention.The goals of these longer programs are to build skills, increase knowledge, and change attitudes and beliefs that contribute to violence.

Wildcats Get Consent!
What to know about consent & interpersonal violence at UNH
Duration: 60-90 minutes
This program explores consent across 4 levels: as a policy, as a practice, as a process, and as pleasure. Students are encouraged to take what they've already learned about consent throughout their lives and apply it to nuanced, "real life" situations in order to build a deeper and more dynamic understanding of this key concept. Topics covered include ethical communication, substance use, community accountability, language skills, and more.
The Hookup Scene
Keeping It Casual With Care
Duration: 45-60 minutes|Participant max: 40 (If your group size is larger than 40, ask about options for accommodating larger groups.)
This program highlights the importance of communication and care during hookups. Through work in small groups, participants will use a set of cards to “storyboard” a sexual encounter that includes consent and alcohol use. Students will discuss how their designed scenario fits into UNH’s definition of consensual sex and examine the social norms & expectations behind a “typical” hookup. This is a unique way to analyze hookup culture within higher education settings that is highly interactive and packed with laughter & exploration.
Healthy Relationships
A look at what constitutes healthy and unhealthy relationships
Duration: 60-90 minutes
This interactive program includes small & large group discussion around the characteristics of healthy relationships, the cultural messages we receive about what relationships are supposed to look like, and the signs of unhealthy relationship dynamics. The workshop utilizes discussion, lecture, and multimedia elements to highlight key information and skills related to cultivating healthy relationships.

You Can Help
Being an active bystander
Duration: 60-90 minutes
This program asks the question:when something potentially harmful or violent is happening, how come some people choose to act and others choose not to? We present compelling research about the power bystanders hold to interrupt and prevent interpersonal violence, and we cover the concrete skills that all active bystanders need in their toolbox. YOU CAN HELP™ empowers students to apply their new knowledgein order tomake UNH a safer community for all.
Living in a Rape Culture
And what we can do about it
Duration: 60-90minutes
This program defines“rape culture”and examines the ways that we have adapted to living within it. Participants explore the roles of popular media, consumer culture, politics, and criminal justice in perpetuating rape culture and work together to answer the question: What can we do about it?
Stranger Danger?
The realities of stalking
Duration: 60-90 minutes
Stalking is one of the most misunderstood forms of interpersonal violence. Misinformation and myths about stalking enable abuse, keep survivors from coming forward, and hamper our ability to recognize, intervene in, and prevent stalking behaviors. This program separates fact from fiction, highlighting the realities of stalking and situating this form of violence within the higher education/collegiate context. Participants will learn to identify stalking red flags & behaviors, examine the importance of context in understanding the dangers of stalking, and reflect on how stalking is minimized, normalized, and mythologized in U.S. culture.
Sexual Harassment
What crosses the line?
Duration: 60-90 minutes
This program clarifies the concept of sexual harassment as a type of behavior and a legal standard. Utilizing discussion, lecture, and multimedia elements, we explore relevant powerdynamics, flirting vs. hurting, and varying types of harassment. Participants also discuss appropriate professional, educational, and social boundaries.
Preventing Harm in Your Role
Towards a culture of care & commitment
Duration: 60-90 minutes
This workshop is designed for students with a common affiliation, position, or group membership to discuss the specific intersections between violence prevention and their roles at UNH. We explore how interpersonal violence uniquely impacts their organization or mission, how to approach violence prevention through the lens of their community values, and how individual leaders can take action to become changemakers. Request this program if you are ready to commit to anti-violence and foster a culture of care for survivors in your organization. Examples of audiences for this workshop include: FSL chapters/leaders, athletic teams/committees, student staff, program mentors/advisors, student organizations, etc.
Lead by Example
Building a Culture of Anti-Violence
Duration: 45-60 minutes
This program is for students who hold a leadership role at UNH (for example, peer mentors/advisors, student org presidents & officers, residential staff, etc.).In this program,student leaders will learn about formal vs informal power, social norms, and reputation. They will apply these concepts to their specific leadership roles and responsibilities, with a focus on preventing interpersonal harm and violence. Then, in teams, they will play a specialized game of Jenga that supports them in identifying and reflecting on key strategies for cultivating anti-violent cultural and social norms as leaders.
Design Your Own
Don’t see anything listed abovethat fitsyour vision? Select the “design your own” option on ourand write up a short description of what you’re looking for. A SHARPP Center staff member will reach out to coordinate and bring your idea to life!You don't have to be an expert on violence prevention to customize a program! Perhaps you're looking for a combination of topics, or to explore IPV through a specific lens.
You are welcome to request any of the undergraduate student programs for graduate populations; many of these topics can be adapted and customized for older or more specialized audiences. Please indicate on your program request form if you would like to connect with the Prevention Specialist about these customization options.Below are some programs that are specifically geared toward graduate student audiences.
Short & Introductory Programs
Duration: 20-30 minutes|Can be offered virtually via Zoom
A brief overview of The SHARPP Center’s services and how students, faculty, and staff can access this resource. This program includes an overview of interpersonal violence as an issue on UNH’s campus as well as information about how to get involved. SHARPP 101 is a short introduction program that can be paired with other offerings listed below.Please note: all programs include information about SHARPP as a resource. If time allows, we recommend investing in students' prevention education by selecting a longer and more in-depth program offering.
SHARPP Jeopardy!
Duration: 45-60 minutes|Participant max: 30(If your group size is larger than 30, ask about options for accommodating larger groups.)
An interactive trivia game that covers a wide range of topics related to The SHARPP Center's work and mission. Participants will learn about important vocabulary, statistics, and concepts related to interpersonal violence, as well as key information about campus resources. This program is highly customizable and can be altered to include categories and questions that are relevant to specifictopics, populations, and needs. SHARPP Jeopardy! is informal yet informative and a great option if you are looking for a non-lecture-based program.
Prevention Trainings & Workshops
The SHARPP Center’s longer format trainings& workshops are informed by research- and evidence-based best practices as well as the CDC’s recommendations on sexual violence prevention.The goals of these longer programs are to build skills, increase knowledge, and change attitudes and beliefs that contribute to violence.

You Can Help
Being an active bystander
Duration: 60-90 minutes
This program asks the question:when something potentially harmful or violent is happening, how come some people choose to act and others choose not to? We present compelling research about the power bystanders hold to interrupt and prevent interpersonal violence, and we cover the concrete skills that all active bystanders need in their toolbox. YOU CAN HELP™ empowers students to apply their new knowledgein order tomake UNH a safer community for all.
Living in a Rape Culture
And what we can do about it
Duration: 60-90minutes
This program defines“rape culture”and examines the ways that we have adapted to living within it. Participants explore the roles of popular media, consumer culture, politics, and criminal justice in perpetuating rape culture and work together to answer the question: What can we do about it?
Sexual Harassment
What crosses the line?
Duration: 60-90 minutes
This program clarifies the concept of sexual harassment as a type of behavior and a legal standard. Utilizing discussion, lecture, and multimedia elements, we explore relevant powerdynamics, flirting vs. hurting, and varying types of harassment. Participants also discuss appropriate professional, educational, and social boundaries.
Stranger Danger?
The realities of stalking
Duration: 60-90 minutes
Stalking is one of the most misunderstood forms of interpersonal violence. Misinformation and myths about stalking enable abuse, keep survivors from coming forward, and hamper our ability to recognize, intervene in, and prevent stalking behaviors. This program separates fact from fiction, highlighting the realities of stalking and situating this form of violence within the higher education/collegiate context. Participants will learn to identify stalking red flags & behaviors, examine the importance of context in understanding the dangers of stalking, and reflect on how stalking is minimized, normalized, and mythologized in U.S. culture.
Processing & Preventing Harm in Your Role
Power Dynamics and Escalation of Violence in Academia
Duration: 80-90 minutes
This program centers on the unique way in which graduate students are situated in "the academy" and explores the complexity that can come with holding several different roles within an institution. Graduate students often have a particularly fluid relationship to the hierarchies and power dynamics of the university and this impacts the way that they might experience or intervene in harmful situations. Students will learn about higher education-specific dynamics of interpersonal violence, analyze power dynamics, review theories about culture-driven escalation of violence, and identify strategies for acting within their particular spheres of influence. As always, the program concludes with information about The SHARPP Center including ways to utilize/access our services individually as well as tips for making referrals.
Design Your Own
Don’t see anything listed abovethat fitsyour vision? Select the “design your own” option on ourand write up a short description of what you’re looking for. A SHARPP Center staff member will reach out to coordinate and bring your idea to life!You don't have to be an expert on violence prevention to customize a program! Perhaps you're looking for a combination of topics, or to explore IPV through a specific lens.
SHARPP is happy to offer prevention education trainings for UNH staff and faculty. If you have specific topic ideas or goals for this training that are not addressed by the program descriptions below, please contact SHARPP's Prevention Specialist to discuss customized program options.
Duration: 20-30 minutes|Can be offered virtually via Zoom
A brief overview of The SHARPP Center’s services and how students, faculty, and staff can access this resource. This program includes an overview of interpersonal violence as an issue on UNH’s campus as well as information about how to get involved. SHARPP 101 is a short introduction program that can be paired with other offerings listed below.Please note: all programs include information about SHARPP as a resource. If time allows, we recommend investing in employees' prevention education by selecting a longer and more in-depth program offering.
Preventing & Addressing Harm in Your Role
Duration: 60-90 minutes
This is a general employee training that SHARPP facilitators will tailor to the particular area or department in attendance. Participants will learn about dynamics of interpersonal violence that are specific to our UNH community, with strategies for responding to disclosures in ways that are validating, empathetic, and actionable. The program explores the unique social dynamics of a residential campus that tie into how harm and violence may play out. We also explore concrete strategies for both addressing and preventing harm that are tailored to the staff/faculty roles of the audience. As always, the program concludes with information about The SHARPP Center including ways to utilize/access our services individually as well as tips for making referrals.
- Please note: we offer a version of this program that istailored for faculty members who lead lab/research teams or who serve as PIs. Duration: 90 minutes
- In this tailored program, participants will explore the central question: "How do we make sense of harm and violence as cultural and systemic problems with cultural and systemic solutions?" The program begins by framing "the problem" and tying it into the histories of UNH and academic research traditions. Through a series of interactive components, participants then explore power dynamics, academia-specific frameworks for understanding the escalation of harm, and strategies for addressing and responding to interpersonal violence. Information about UNH-specific policies, compliance/reporting expectations, resources, and supports is included.
Sexual Citizenship
Moving From Understanding to Application
Duration: 90 minutes
This workshop is co-facilitated by staff from The SHARPP Center and Health & Wellness. Participants will analyze and apply three key concepts to their work with students: sexual projects, sexual geography, and sexual citizenship. The program will touch on the current "landscape" of sexual well-being and violence prevention on campus, with information about hookup culture and the social/sexual norms that our students navigate. Collectively, we will examine the biases, assumptions, values, and beliefs we hold related to these topics and consider how they may show up in our work.
Charting The Course
Navigating Trauma in the Classroom
Duration: 30-60 minutes
Help your students engage intentionally around potentially difficult & activating material or subjects. This presentation considers the definition and classification of “trauma”, briefly reviews the neuroscience behind trauma responses, and discusses how they may show up in a classroom environment. In this presentation, students will be introduced to concepts & tools they can use to engage intentionally while respecting and taking care of themselves and each other in the classroom.
Design Your Own
Don’t see anything listed abovethat fitsyour vision? Select the “design your own” option on ourand write up a short description of what you’re looking for. A SHARPP Center staff member will reach out to coordinate and bring your idea to life!You don't have to be an expert on violence prevention to customize a program! Perhaps you're looking for a combination of topics, or to explore IPV through a specific lens.
Requesting a Series of Trainings:
Want to impact your audience even more? Request a series of trainings to maximize participant learning. You can spread these programs over a semester or an academic year; they can occur back-to-back, or with time in between. Whatever the timeframe, The SHARPP Center is pleased to provide multi-session programming.Research shows that multi-session learning is the most effective way for participants to internalize new knowledge and adapt their behaviors.
- SHARPP 101>Wildcats Get Consent>YOU CAN HELP>SHARPP Jeopardy!
- Wildcats Get Consent > YOU CAN HELP>Healthy Relationships
- The Hookup Scene >Wildcats Get Consent>Living in a Rape Culture
- Healthy Relationships>Living in a Rape Culture
- SHARPP 101>Sexual Harassment>YOU CAN HELP
We ask for at least 2 weeks’ notice to present a program, with shorter notice requests subject to availability. Additionally, we do not provide educational programming on Friday or Saturday nights. Program descriptions above indicate whether the training can be offered virtually. Our programs are available to the UNH community, including undergraduate & graduate students, faculty, and staff. If you have any questions, call (603) 862-3494 or emailthe Prevention Specialist.