UNH International Changemaker Grant

What is the International Changemaker Grant?

student group in Nepal

A partnership between the Changemaker Collaborative at the UNH Sustainability Institute andUNH Global, the International Changemaker Grant enables UNH students to bring their knowledge and enthusiasm to help form and strengthen partnerships () and international solidarity to address sustainability challenges globally.

Students(working alongside a faculty mentor) partner with regional stakeholders and/or international non-profit organizations to co-create sustainable solutionsusing theas a blueprint.

Funding is available to existing student organizations as well as independently formed student groups. Projects may be supported by the students’ department(s) and/or the UNH Sustainability Institute. The grants provide funding to augment the student groups’ own fundraising activities. The grants range from $3,000 to $15,000 and are dependent on the merit and scope of the proposals. Grants may cover the cost of travel, lodging, meals, and other project necessities. Multiple grants may be awarded each year.

Get all the details and application instructions in the FAQ sections below.

    Thanks to the visionary leadership of S. Melvin Rines ’47, whose generous support has been instrumental, the Emeriti Council of the UNH Foundation Board has taken a pioneering step by establishing this fund. Additionally, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Alnoba Lewis Family Global Service Initiative Fund for their invaluable contribution in making this initiative a reality.This endeavor is aimed at empowering groups of UNH students to partake in impactful international service projects, where they hone their knowledge and skills in sustainable development while creating positive impacts for communities around the globe.


    Contact Zack Angelini

    Parent resources Faculty resources


      December 18, 2024
      Applications due for Summer 2025
      January 12, 2025
      Notification of Award for Spring 2025 & Summer 2025
      May 8, 2025
      Applications due for J-term 2026 and Spring 2026
      June 14, 2025
      Notification of Award for J-term 2026 and Spring 2026
      December 18, 2025
      Applications due for Summer 2026

      UNH Nursing students worked with Global Partners in Hope on a medical mission trip in Togo, West Africa (2018)


      with regional stakeholders and/or international non-profit organizations to develop community-based projects that are aligned with the 17 SDGs.


      alongside a group of students and a faculty mentor.

      Get funding

      to cover the cost of travel, housing, and other incidentals up to $15,000.


      • Each student group should be officially recognized byORsponsored by a UNH department
        • TheSustainability Institute can be the department - contactZack Angelini
      • Each student group must have at least one faculty or staff advisor
        • Zack Angeliniat theSustainability Institute can be the staff advisor

      The Emeriti Council strongly encouragesmulti-year and/ormulti-phase projects that establish a relationship with international communities of need.This recognizes that sustainable development depends upon long-lasting partnerships and allows UNH groups and associated partners to address challenges that may arise following departure from the project community. Additionally, this encouragesthe integration of virtual project work during pre and post travel, which will positively set the stage for in-person work once travel occurs.

      The Emeriti Council will consider the overall quality and merit of the proposal, in addition to the following grant criteria ():

      1. Project Description: An overview of your project, including:
        • an overview of your local partner organization and their mission
        • context for the location where you will be serving (highlighting how the location is an area of high need)
        • the nature of your project and how it aligns with the intent of this program
        • the preparation and implementation plan for your project
      2. Funding & fundraising activities:The International Changemaker Grant is contingent upon student groups developing a budget for the project as well as raising a portion of the funds needed for the project. You'll be asked to describe the supplemental fundraising activities you have done or plan to do.
      3. Team characteristics includediverse skills and perspectives to bring to the project, including ideally representing various majors and colleges on campus,entrepreneurial spirit and ingenuity and a demonstration ofclear interest and motivation for choosing to engage with this project. You'll be asked to includebrief description of your student group,including its mission (formal or informal), andthe nature of your interest and motivation for choosing to engage with this project.
      4. Engagement of the community abroad in project needs assessment, planning, and implementation
      5. Beneficial short-term and long-term impacts for the community where the project is conducted
      6. Benefits to student learning as well as enhancement of educational quality at UNH
      7. Strategy for sharing the project results to the UNH community, including but not limited to
        • A final activity report that will cover the outcomes of the project objectives, including itemized budget expenditures
        • A ~ 3-minute video
        • An blog post highlighting the on-site project work and impact on the local community and UNH participants
        • A short presentation to the UNH community, highlighting the impacts of the International Changemaker Granton your group and the local community
        • A presentation at theUndergraduate Research Conferenceisencouraged, but not required
      8. Faculty Advisor(s) Letter of Support:The letter should describe the advisor's involvement and supervision of the project, including the length the advisor has been working with the students and an assessment of the project's viability.

        Student Group






        Education Exchange


        January 2024

        Wamunyu, Kenya

        Provided sexual health education, medical screening, and other requested projects to the local community in partnership with Kenya Connect.


        Students for Self-Sustainability


        January 2024

        Senegal, West Africa

        Repaired broken furniture, provided new farming toolsand introduced solar-powered reading lights and fans.


        UNH Model UN



        Erfurt, Germany

        Partnered with a local organization to develop an outreach project aligned with the values of the United Nations


        Outreach Program in Tanzania



        Nkungi, Tanzania

        Provided English language lessons, and maintained and repaired existing school buildings.


        Education Exchange

        CHHS & Graduate


        Wamunyu, Kenya

        Provided sexual health education, medical screening, and other requested projects to the local community in partnership with Kenya Connect.


        Students for Global Health


        Summer 2022

        Kathmandu, Nepal

        Provided public school education on water sanitation and hygiene inKathmandu, Nepal


        Kenya Connect


        Summer 2022

        Wamunyu, Kenya

        Facilitated sexual and reproductive health workshops for adolescents in Kenya


        Students for Global Health


        January 2020

        Kathmandu & Dhulikhel, Nepal

        Provided education to empower women to take control of their sexual and reproductive health by increasing access to menstrual supplies by partnering with Sankalpa Women’s Alliance for Peace, Justice, and Democracy in Nepal


        Model UN


        November 2019

        Erfurt, Germany

        Participated in the National UN conference, elementary and secondary school service projects and cultural activities


        Play for Peace


        July 2019

        La Carpio, Costa Rica

        Offered leadership skills training to communities of conflict, providing models of inclusion, cooperation and fun in a safe place


        UNH Safe Drinking Water


        July 2019

        Kapalamula, Malawi

        Implementation of a spring box filtration system in the village of Kapalamula to provide safe and clean drinking water


        Project Samana


        June 2019

        Samana, Dominican Republic

        Students assisted in a spay and neuter clinic of stray and unwanted cats and dogs which helps increase tourism in the area, thereby bringing in more money to these communities.


        Weaving Strands


        January 2019


        Community environmental education and assessments and communications via engagement and social media


        Outdoor Adventure Center


        Summer 2018

        Kathmandu, Nepal

        Implement experiential education standards and practices


        Hope for Togo


        Summer 2018

        Togo, West Africa

        Community health assessment and clinical services


        Model UN


        January 2018

        Galapagos Island and Quito, Ecuador

        Participate in National Model United Nations (NMUN) Galapagos and integrate conference knowledge into an experiential service project in Ecuador to lead high school students through a Model UN Special Session


        National Society of Black Engineers NSBE


        Summer 2017

        Johannesburg, South Africa

        Provide support for girls from Soweto in First Avenue Institute (FAI) Girls STEM Winter camp that focuses on STEM based industries


        Hope for Togo


        Summer 2017

        Agbelouve Togo, West Africa

        Performed a needs based assessment in health care, adequate nutrition, potable water, waste sanitation, and hygiene


        Veterinary Technology Project


        May 2017

        Samana, Dominican Republic

        Project Samana - to help provide animal safety and welfare information to the pet owners in this area


        Project Oasis


        Summer 2016

        Uvita, Forjando Alas, Costa Rica

        Aquaponics - soil free vegetable/fish farming assessment and advancement to another community


        Engineers Without Borders EWB


        Summer 2016

        San Pedro de Casta, Peru

        Potable water system construction, maintenance training, health education training


        Engineers Without Borders EWB


        Summer 2016

        Cet-Kana, Uganda

        Potable water springbox installation


        Kriol Public History


        Summer 2016

        Crooked Tree and Biscayne, Belize

        Ethnographic, archival, archaeological cultural historical research


        Project Oasis


        January 2016

        Costa Rica

        Family-sized, sustainable aquaponic systems that combine raising fish and plants without soil


        Students Without Borders SWB


        Summer 2015


        LiquiNet - Smart Water Pump Project (remote sensing of well operating status)


        UNH-Solar Panels for Schools


        Summer 2015

        Toh-Kpalime, Ghana

        Solar panel installation and solar energy education at the Liberation Takumi Community School


        Students Without Borders SWB


        January 2015

        San Pedro de Casta, Peru

        Implementation of slow sand filtration system


        Students Without Borders SWB


        January 2015

        Lukodi, Uganda

        Train residents on disinfecting and repairing wells


        See the list of NGOs below with potential projects (or any others not on this page) to co-develop a project and proposal. Please emailZack.Angelini@unh.edu for assistance with coordination and Project Proposal.

        Your next steps:

        1: Connect with an NGO (one of these below, or any others).
        2: Connect with a Faculty Sponsor in your department or at the Sustainability Institute.
        3.Together, develop a community-based project aligned with the 17 United Nations as a blueprint.
        4. Read all eligibility requirements and grant criteria to make sure you are developing a strong proposal and application.
        5. Apply!

        Thank you for your interest in the International Changemaker Grant!

        The J-term 2026 and Spring 2026 application is OPEN!
        Questions or interested in applying in the future? ContactZack.Angelini@unh.edu

        Application instructions:

        Before applying, please be sure to read all the FAQ sections above, and the notes and instructions below.

        • For the purposes of the application, please determine one student in your group to be your "team leader". This person will be completing some information on behalf of the group.
        • Each team member should complete the form.
        • Get ready to apply!

        When completing the online application, please read all instructions carefully! Here's what you can expect:

        1. Each team member should complete the online application form.
          In the first section, each team member will complete information about themselves (contact, major, grad year, etc.).
          • Be sure to select “International Changemaker Grant” when asked “What program are you applying for?”
        2. In the next section, you will be asked if you are a "team member" or "team leader" (this should be determined prior to starting the application, and is only for the purposes of the application).
          • All team members willanswer some additional questions about your trip andhost organization (you may use information from your host's website to complete this portion).
          • If you are the team leader:
            • you will also be asked todownload the “Additional Application Materials Document”. This document should be completed AS A TEAM, as you will havequestions to answer about your project and each team member's individualinterests, expertise and goals. After downloading, type your team's answers in the document and save the file as a Word document or a PDF. 
              • Name your document as follows: HostOrganization_TermYear_ICG. (As an example, if the host is Kenya Connect and you were planning to go in the summer of2025, your file name would be "KenyaConnect_Summer2025_ICG
              • Then, you will upload your saved document back to the online form where asked to do so, and complete the remainder of the online form - be sure to hit "Submit" to complete your application.
            • you will also be asked to uploadyour team's letter of recommendation (up to 3).
        3. After your whole team submits their applications, our committee members will review your materials, and we'll reach out by email to notify you.

        Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) with Available Projects

        Connect with any of the NGOs below with potential projects (or any others not on this page) to co-develop a project and proposal. Please emailFiona.Wilson@unh.edu for assistance with coordination and Project Proposal.

        Education for all Children (EFAC)

        EFAC provides an education-to-employment program for Kenyan youth with the brightest minds and the fewest resources. EFAC graduates are equipped to become the next generation of leaders and change makers in Africa.

        Potential projects

        1. Communications and outreach projects
        2. S2S Program review and support
        3. Development research

            Friends Forever International

            To help youth become the best version of themselves so they can help their community become the best version of itself.
            Potential projects

            1. Community garden construction in Northern Ireland
            2. Research and survey of village (1,500 ppl) in Northern Ireland
            3. Build composting toilet stations off-grid in Belize

                Kenya Connect

                Kenya Connect's mission is to empower and engage students, teachers, and parents in rural Kenya to succeed in the 21st century.

                Potential projects

                1. Assist with Girl/Boy Empowerment Program
                2. Improve facilities, create vocational-tech programs, do health assessments and screenings and various interventions at the Wamunyu Special school
                3. Conduct classroom lessons, Maker Space/STEM activities
                4. Offer Health Workshops
                5. Assist with Sustainable Agriculture ventures

                    Takataka Plastics

                    We are innovating solutions to waste challenges to build a circular economy and a healing workplace community for at-risk populations.
                    Potential projects

                    1. Engineering
                    2. Community Outreach/Education
                    3. Business, Sales, and Marketing
                    4. Trauma Counseling
                    5. Capacity Development
                    6. Impact Tracking

                        Current UNH international travel information

                        Service projects could include:
                        • creating prototypes for life-enhancing products
                        • providing health services
                        • creating promotional and communication materials for an organization
                        • conducting research and data analysis projects from existing data sets
                        • conducting interviews with stakeholders
                        • helping with strategic or business planning
                        • designing new curriculum
                        • delivering workshops to children