Jordan Bohan ‘22

Fall 2021 B Impact Clinic
Jordan Bohan Headshot

JordanBohan(she/her) was a Marketing andEcoGastronomydual major. She was interested in sustainability and socially responsible business “because companies hold so much power in our world and must be the leaders in making change. Businesses can make the smallest changes that will force huge impact within the world. Starting rewarding work like this in college is an incredible opportunity and I am excited to work with clients!” During the spring 2021 B Impact Clinic, Jordan worked on the Bristol Seafood  team.Between her junior and senior year, Jordan interned for Ben & Jerry's on their global digital marketing team, furthering her passion and experience with B Corporations. During thefall 2021 she participated in the B Impact Clinic for the second time working with the team. This was also her first year as a Peer Mentorin the Clinic.