Can Machine Learning Standardize Rock Climbing Route Difficulty?
A new study from UNH explores how integrating machine and deep learning techniques can create a standardized system for evaluating rock climbing routes to provide a difficulty grading scale that promotes inclusivity, accuracy and accessibility for all experience levels. Read More-
K–12 Teacher-Scholars Gather to Share Experiences Developing Place-Based Curricula
Earlier this month, a small group of teacher-scholars gathered at Alnoba, a workshop and retreat venue in Kensington, to share their critical and... -
A Message on the Significance of Juneteenth From Kenneth Holmes
Kenneth Holmes, senior vice provost for student life at UNH,reflects on the significance of Juneteenth. Also known as Freedom Day or Emancipation... -
Major NSF Funding Will Advance N.H.’s Science and Technology Leadership
With an $8 million award from the National Science Foundation, UNH will lead an initaitve to boost the state's science and technology innovation. -
Beauregard Center Holds Second Annual Celebration of Achievement and Excellence
The Aulbani J. Beauregard Center for Equity, Justice, and Freedom held its second annual Celebration of Achievement and Excellence on May 8, 2024.
Recent Stories
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04/07/21 - In Our Own Voices: Angelina Gillispie '20, '21GAngelina Gillispie '20, '21G, an English teaching graduate pursuing a master's in secondary education, shares her experience growing up multiracialas part of our "In Our Own... Read More
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04/01/21 - UNH Contract Expands Treatment for Youth and Young Adults with Substance Use Disorders in NHThe NH Department of Health and Human Services Bureau of Children’s Behavioral Health and Bureau of Drug and Alcohol Services recently awarded UNH’s Institute on Disability (IOD)... Read More
03/25/21 - Going Beyond the BorderIt started with a conversation: Shantel Palacio and Nathan Harris, two students in the Ph.D. Education program were troubled by the hesitation they saw in classes when confronting... Read More
03/12/21 -NHPR recently spoke withAngelina Gillispie ’20, '21G,an English teaching graduate pursuing her master's in teaching at UNH Manchester, abouther experience as an ELL teacher at...
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02/05/21 - Gaslighting: The Silencing Weapon—Social justice gaslighting affects marginalized people by controlling their reactions to their own oppression. Read More
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