Kim Wall
Kim Wall's Articles
Balancing Biology and a Busy Family
Abigail Goen tried college right out of high school but didn't do well. Ten years and three kids later she's back and leaving a lasting impact on the community and her family. -
Encouraging Young Women in Computing
Thirty-three young women will be recognized this spring for their accomplishments and aspirations in computing and technology. In an effort to encourage more young women to choose careers in... -
Communication Alumnus Mike Avitabile Publishes Second Novel
Mike Avitabile '04 credits the more than 30 jobshe's held in his life as the inspiration for his latest novel,TheWhale in the Cave. -
Summer Study Abroad in Northern Ireland, Scotland, and England
A 17-day Study Abroad course beginning June 3 will focus on the Troubles in Northern Ireland during the late 20th century, including the struggle for Irish independence, and the broader responses of... -
Competitive Investigator Award
Daniel Seichepine, assistant professor of psychology and neuropsychology with the 鶹app at Manchester, was selected for the 2018 International Society for CNS Clinical Trials... -
Data Science Professor Presents Research at International Conference
Jeremiah Johnson, assistant professor of data science, presented a paper entitled 'Neural Style Representations and the Large-Scale Classification of Artistic Style' at the Future Technologies... -
From Student to Scientist
Torn between studying music or science, Zach Window ’16 opted for the latter after graduating from Bedford High School. -
Deadline Approaching for Award Celebrating Young Women and Educators in Technology
The National Center for Women & IT (NCWIT) Aspirations in Computing (AiC) is looking for New England's next generation of female coders, hackers and tech whizzes to apply for the 2018 award... -
Teaming Up On Biotech Research
Students and faculty from UNH Manchester and local community colleges have partneredon a collaborative project researching yeast prions, abnormally formed proteins that could possibly hold answers... -
Interning in the Therapeutic Arts
Walking King, a Rottweiler service dog, through the hallways ofConcord Hospitaland seeing the smiles on patient and caretaker faces was just one of many great experiences Alexandra Twomey had... -
Computer Information Systems Student Finds Creative Outlet in Website Design
Before Rosali Salemi started taking classes at Nashua Community College, her creative outlet was to redesign book and DVD covers using desktop publishing programs. “I didn’t like the covers they came... -
Succeeding in the Real World
A combat veteran with more than 15 years in the military, college wasn't originally part of Staff Sgt. Dennis Fitton's plan. -
Homeland Security Student Creates Emergency Management Plan With N.H. National Guard
After nearly 15 years away from school, Staff Sergeant Dennis Fitton decided he wanted to take a Microsoft Office refresher class. The Army veteran went to NHTI in search of such a class, and, before... -
UNH Manchester Celebrates 264 Students at May 19 Graduation Ceremony
The 鶹app at Manchester will celebrate the achievements of 264 graduates at the college's 31stannual commencement proceedings onThursday, May 19, 2016. -
Celebrating Student Achievement at Annual Honors Convocation on May 17
The 鶹app at Manchester will recognize the academic achievements of more than 70 students at the2016 Honors Convocationon Tuesday, May 17. -
Manchester on the Move
With its soaring spaces and iconic clock tower, the historic Pandora building at 88 Commercial Street in Manchester is a testament to the city’s past economic vitality—and a bit of a metaphor for the...
UNH Manchester