Faculty Travel Reports Archive

Each year, the Global Education Center awards competitive grants for faculty international development activities from funds provided by the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Faculty travel reports below and dating back to 2006 can be found in.

Academic Year 2017-2018

Daniel Seichepine,AssistantProfessor, Neuropsychology(UNHM) -Brazil
I lectured on the neuropsychology of neurodegenerative disorders and dementia, such as Alzheimer’s disease and chronic traumatic encephalopathy, at the Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste (Midwestern State University).

Julia Rodriguez,Associate Professor, History (COLA) - Spain and France
I presented a paper and co-organized two panels at the International Congress of Americanists meeting and was able to complete archival research for my book project.

Susan Curry, Lecturer, Classics, Humanities, & Italian Sudies (COLA) - United Kingdom
I spent six weeks in London as an Academic Visitor in the Faculty of Classics at Oxford University and acquired knowledge and resources necessary for the creation of three courses in Medical Humanities.

Thomas Ballestero, Director, UNH Stormwater Center (CEPS) - Brazil
Iwas invited by the Department of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering (DEHA) to teach a stormwater course at the Federal University of Ceará (UFC) for professionals from throughout Brazil.

Jessica Ernakovich, Assistant Professor in Natural Resources and the Environment (COLSA) - Sweden
I joined UNH Professor Ruth Varner's summer field campaign to Abisko, Sweden to study climate change on the landscape.

Ileana Chirila, Assistant Professor of French (COLA) - France
I visited the CIEE study center in Toulouse to explore the possibility of a faculty-led, short study abroad program and was able to complete the proposal.

Amy Boylan, Associate Professor of Italian Studies, COLA - Italy
Nicole Gercke, Lecturer in Italian Studies, COLA - Italy

We explored an institutional relationship with the Cineteca di Bologna with the goals of creating research opportunities for UNH faculty, creating study abroad and internship opportunities for UNH students, and establishing UNH and Seacoast NH as as a host for the Cineteca's annual traveling film festival.

Alecia Magnifico, Assistant Professor of English, COLA - United Kingdom
I presented papers at three different events and locations in the UK, collaborating with UNH Professor Christina Ortmeier-Hooper and colleagues from the University of Rochester and the University of Sydney, Australia.

Assaf Benchetrit, Assistant Professor of Theater and Dance, COLA - Israel
I was invited to perform as a guest artist and to choreograph an original work for the Jerusalem Ballet Company, the largest professional ballet company in the capital of Israel.

Lisa Jones, Research Associate Professor, COLA - Switzerland
A colleague and I extended and expanded on work that we "...have done developing program evaluation resources for NGOs addressing children's exposure to violence in low and middle income countries."

Amy VanCamp, Clinical Assistant Professor, CHHS - Uganda
...I traveled to Ugandawith the primary focus of exploring international fieldwork with Hope of Children and Women (HOCW) and to visit various medical, social and educational institutions.

Julie Bryce, Professor of Geochemistry, CEPS - Iceland
Professor Bryce travelled to Iceland to enhance connections with the Institute for Earth Sciences, to feel out the potential for future student exchange and to participate in an international drilling project.

Eshan Dave, Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, CEPS - England
Professor Dave travelled to Nottingham to organize and participate in international meetings at the University of Nottingham. Presentations given and shared centered on the subject of asphalt pavement.

BoRin Kim, Assistant Professor of Social Work, COLA - South Korea
Professor Kim attended the Korea Health Panel conference, had collaborative meetings with scholars from Seoul National University and was a guest lecturer, and visited medical social workers at the Seoul National University Hospital.

Gene Harkless, Chair and Associate Professor of Nursing, CHHS - Nepal
Dr. Harkless, Dr. Kerryellen Vroman, and Dr. Geeta Pfau made an exploratory trip to Kathmandu Valley to evaluate health and other related services and identify potential partnerships for developing UNH/CHHS student service learning experiences in Nepal.

Young Jo Kim, Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering, CEPS - South Korea
Professor Kim visited two universities and two industries to network by giving talks and meeting with researchers to discusslithium purification from brine as well as queous energy storage systems.

Academic Year 2016-2017

Patricia Halpin, Assistant Professor of Life Sciences, UNHM - Brazil
Professor Halpin attended the International Union of Physiological Sciences World Congress as well as the ADInstruments Teaching Workshop.

Michele Loos, Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing, CHHS - Netherlands
Professor Loos presented as a guest faculty at Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences on the complexities of advance practice nursing in the U.S. and then visited a Dutch nursing home to observe practices and discuss the Dutch model of healthcare.

Danielle Pillet-Shore, Associate Professor of Communication, COLA - Northern Ireland
Professor Pillet-Shore received an invitation to present a research paper at the International Pragmatics Association conference, which centers on the study of language use.

Nathan Jorgensen, Assistant Professor of Music, COLA - Switzerland & Italy
UNH's 3 O'Clock Jazz Band, directed by Professor Jorgensen, was selected to perform in two international festivals in July of 2017. While in Europe, they travelers experienced new cultures and fostered potential future collaborations.

Ivo van der Graaff, Assistant Professor of Art & Art History, COLA - Italy
As the director of excavations for the Oplontis Project, Professor van der Graaff investigated two structures that were buried by the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 CE.

Brigitte Bailey, Associate Professor of English, COLA - France
Prof. Bailey attended the Society for the Study of American Women Writers conference and furthered her study of the ways in which transnational approaches are reshaping thinking about women writers.

William Murphy, Professor of Law and Chair, Commerce and Tecnology Law Graduate Program - Ireland
UNH Law has long been a recognized leader in the area of intellectual property law education so it is only natural that UNH should seek to forge and strengthen bonds with legal institutions and professionals in Ireland.

Katie Edwards, Assistant Professor of Psychology, COLA - South Africa and Kenya
Prof. Edwards travelled to Africa to learn more about the innovative sexual violence prevention work happening across the African continent and to discuss similarities and differences in violence prevention in South Africa and the U.S.

Elizabeth Carter, Assistant Professor of Political Science, COLA - France, Italy
Prof. Carter conducted research, completed an article, met current contacts and made new institutional contacts for potential future collaborations for her project on the politics of quality food production.

Melissa Wells, Associate Professor of Social Work, COLA - Sweden
Prof. Wells traveled to Sweden in summer 2016 to enhance her research collaboration, to add an international component to a child welfare elective that she is developing, and to pursue study abroad possibilities for Social Work students.

Robert Henry, Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, CEPS - South Africa
As the director of several STEM based camps at UNH, Prof. Henry helped organized and participated in the Girls Winter Camp in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Jeffrey Halpern, Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering, CEPS - Ireland
Prof. Halpern attended a metabolomics conference in Ireland for academic collaborations and cultural exploration. He continued on to the UK, Germany, and Greece to continue those goals.

Academic Year 2015-2016

Molly Dorsey, Associate Professor of History, COLA - New Zealand
Prob. Dorsey presented a paper at the “War, Peace and International Order? The Legacies of The Hague Conferences of 1899 and 1907” and visited the National Archives for research materials.

Michele Dillon, Professor of Sociology, COLA - Italy
Prof. Dillon travelled to Rome and The Vatican to conduct research for her new book project on institutional change in Catholicism and made connections with faculty and students at the American University of Rome, a potential study abroad destination for UNH students.

Jo Sias Daniel, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, CEPS - Italy, Spain, France, United Kingdom
Prof. Daniel travelled to several European countries to meet with colleagues about research proposal ideas, speak with graduate students and faculty about their research and potential future collaboration, and attend technical committee meetings and a conference.

Melinda Negron-Gonzales, Program Coordinator (Politics and Society Program), Assistant Professor of Political Science, COLA - UK, Italy, Spain, France
Prof. Negron-Gonzales presented a paper on a faith-based movement called Hizmet at the 3rd Annual Sociology and Critical Perspectives Conference on Social Movements in Turkey.

Valentini Kalargyrou, Associate Professor of Hospitality Management, PAUL - Israel
Prof. Kalargyrou visited Israel to collect data from Nalaga’at (in Hebrew, “please touch”) Center in Tel Aviv for the Social Entrepreneurship and disability inclusion in Hospitality and Tourism research project.

Summer Cook, Associate Professor of Kinesiology, CHHS - Australia
"I was invited to visit the Department of Psychology and Exercise Science at Murdoch University in the hopes of establishing a research relationship with the 鶹app Department of Kinesiology. "

Jennifer Jacobs, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, CEPS - England
"I accepted a seminar invitation and met '...with colleagues at Nottingham University and Newcastle University, England about climate change and infrastructure.' "

Brian Chu, Professor of Art & Art History, COLA - Taiwan and China
"In this 70-day trip I satisfied my three goals of research, teaching, and international education program development."

Julee Holcombe, Associate Professor of Arts, COLA - China
"... I was able to observe their teaching styles, explore the local culture and photograph the local landscape, people, and architecture."

Lina Lee, Professor of Spanish, COLA - Italy
"...the European Association for Computer Assisted Language Learning (EUROCALL)...took place at the University of Padova...I learned how to develop a platform along with instructional modules and training videos of language teachers and learners."

Academic Year 2014-2015

Justus Ogembo, Associate Professor of Education, COLA - Italy
"This event, sponsored by National Science Foundation (NSF)...brought together scholars from across the world who had conducted fieldwork in diverse communities around the world on `Cultural Models of Nature’..."

Sameer Honwad, Assistant Professor of STEM Education, COLA - Bhutan
"I have been working on a long-term research project in Bhutan that is designed to find out how Bhutanese youth merge different knowledge systems and make decisions to tackle urgent environmental problems."

Nicole Fox, Assistant Professor of Sociology, COLA - UN Headquarters
"...it was the 20th anniversary of the Beijing Conference, where UN delegates prepared a Platform for Action that worked to achieve greater equality and opportunity for women globally."

Carolyn Gamtso, Associate Profess/Reference & Instruction Librian, UNHM - Ireland
Patricia Halpin, Assistant Professor of Biology, UNHM - Ireland
"Our presentation at the IFLA Information Literacy Satellite Meeting in Limerick reported on the positive results of our study and reflected on its implications for library distance learning initiatives."

Sean Moore, Associate Professor of English, COLA - Ireland
"I travelled to Dublin, Ireland to deliver a talk at the 13th Dublin Symposium on Jonathan Swift at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, where Swift was dean from 1714-1745."

Devkamal Dutta, Associate Professor of Strategic Management & Entrepreneurship, PAUL - India & Hong Kong
"Social ventures are entrepreneurial firms that adopt a business-oriented approach to tackle some of the biggest social challenges facing a region or country."

Kirk Broders, Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences, COLSA - Mexico
"The main purpose of the travel was to initiate a new line of research focused on the evolution of plant-associated microbes with a specific focus on documenting the effect plant domestication has on the associated microbiome of a particular species the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)."

Nicoletta Gullace, Associate Professor of History, COLA - England
"The timing of my trip to Britain was particularly auspicious since it coincided with the coming centenary of the First World War."

Drew Conroy, Professor, TSAS - Sub-Saharan Africa
"I spent 3 weeks in ... Kenya, Rwanda, The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Tanzania and Namibia... attending an agricultural forum, visiting an agricultural development project, for which I have been an advisor for some years ... and finally visiting UNH undergraduate student, Alicia Walsh at the Cheetah Conservation Fund in Otjiwarongo, Namibia.

Academic Year 2013-2014

Eleanor Harrison-Buck, Associate Professor of Archaeology - Belize
"According to sixteenth century Spanish ethnohistoric accounts, settlements in the Belize River East Archaeology (BREA) study area produced large quantities of cacao--the coveted chocolate bean--in all of the Maya Lowlands (Jones 1989). "

Julie Bryce, Associate Professor of Geochemistry - Italy
"...my main motivation to visit my colleagues in Ferrara centers around one word: mantle. ... The trip also provided a means to initiate new projects to gain insight into processes driving volcanism."

Susan Merrill, Clinical Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy - South Africa
"My experiences in South Africa thus far have helped me realize that establishing collaborative relationships is a gradual process; that Americans who come thinking they have “answers” are doomed to fail; and that listening almost always comes before talking."

Yixin Liu, Associate Professor of Finance - Greece
"Hellenic American Education Center in Greece in the fall of 2013. HAEC is a relatively young university that promotes college education in English....HAEC was also interested to tap into the vast Chinese market."

Joel Johnson, Associate Professor of Geology - Sweden
"...I served as a research mentor and co-mentor for three undergraduate students who took part in a NSF funded International REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) program..."

Tom Safford, Associate Professor of Sociology - Brazil
"My investigation will examine how scientific and economic data shapes the way stakeholders from the oil and gas, tourism, and fishing sectors, along with public sector actors, assess different coastal development options as well as potential environmental risks.

Academic Year 2012-2013

Per Berglund, Professor of Physics - Germany
"...visits and collaborations with theoretical physicists at DESY, one of the world's leading accelerator centres..."

Subhash C. Minocha, Professor of Biological Sciences and Genetics - Jordan
"...visit the King’s Academy, Amman, Jordan, to give lectures, hold discussions and talk about my research and UNH Project SMART at the King’s Academy and the University of Jordan."

Kate Hanson, Professor of Community Leadership - Thailand
"...possibilities for partnerships between my program/UNH students and organizations in Thailand."

Michelle Grenier, Associate Professor of Kinesiology - Scotland
"...research on physical education teacher practices for students with autism spectrum disorders in the Scottish system."

Peter Pekins, Professor of Wildlife Ecology - Poland
"...the 7th International Moose Conference in Poland. ...The Bialowieza National Park and Forest is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is one of the largest remaining primeval forests in Europe."

Szu-Feng Chen, Assistant Professor of Theatre & Dance - Korea
"...invited by The Theatre Practice (TTP) in Singapore to create set and costume design for its feature musical production for Singapore Kuo Pao Kun Festival..."

Meghan Howey, Assistant Professor of Archaeology - Uganda
"...expect robust cultural activity here, as the Ndali lakes are located less than two hundred kilometers northeast of the epicenter for the development of iron smelting technology in East Africa, west of Lake Victoria..."

Jeannie Sowers, Associate Professor of Political Science - Egypt
"...research on environmental issues and politics ... to learn more about the ongoing political revolution that began in January 2011."

Academic Year 2011-2012

Amy Boylan, Assistant Professor of Italian - Italy
Jenni Cook, Associate Professor of Music - Brazil
Lu Yan, Associate Professor of History - England
Dain LaRoche, Assistant Professor of Kinesiology - Brazil
Heidi Asbjornsen, Associate Professor of Natural Resources - Costa Rica
Joel Hartter, Assistant Professor of Geography/Affiliate Assistant Professor of Natural Resources - Uganda
Gregory McMahon, Associate Professor of History -Turkey
Annie Donahue, Associate Professor/Chairperson—Humanities Division, UNH Manchester Library & Media Services - England & Scotland
Eun Kyeong Cho, Assistant Professor of Education - South Korea
Alynna Lyon, Associate Professor of Political Science - Portugal

Academic Year 2010-2011

Vanessa Druskat, Associate professor of Organizational Behavior - Spain
Lina Lee, Associate Professor of Spanish - Costa Rica
Ben Harris, Professor of Psychology & Affiliate Professor of History - The Netherlands
Robert C. Scharff, Professor of Philosophy - Italy
Mary Malone, Assistant Professor of Political Science - Costa Rica
Marla Brettschneider, Assistant Professor of Theater - Israel
Ruth Varner, Research Associate Professor of Earth, Oceans and Space - Sweden
Stephen Trzaskoma, Associate Professor of Classics -Scotland
Matt Nesmith, Professor of Theater - Germany

Academic Year 2009-2010

Nelson Barber, Associate Professor of Hospitality - Italy
Janet Gold, Associate Professor of Spanish - Honduras
Sean Moore, Assistant Professor of English - England
Julie Bryce, Associate Professor of Geochemistry - Italy
Paula Salvio, Professor of Education -Sicily
Christina Ortmeier-Hooper, Assistant Professor of Composition Studies - England
Martin McKinsey, Associate Professor of English - Scotland
Devkamal Dutta, Assistant Professor of Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship - India
Judy Sharkey, Associate Professor of Education - Colombia

Academic Year 2008-2009

Marco Dorfsman and Lori Hopkins, Associate Professors of Spanish - Brazil
Wheeler Ruml, Assistant Professor of Computer Science - Ireland
William Kempster, Associate Professor of Music - Czech Republic
Dora Chen, Assistant Professor of Family Studies and Leslie Couse, Associate Professor of Education - China
Nadine Bérenguier, Associate Professor of French - France
Ahmad Etebari, Professor and Chair of Accounting and Finance - New Zealand
Lynette Hamlin, Associate Professor and Chair of Nursing -Mexico
Sarah Stitzlein, Assistant Professor of Education -has Canada
Serita Frey, Associate Professor of Natural Resources & the Environment - Costa Rica & Guatemala
Steven Bornstein, Associate Professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders - Russia
Louis Tisa, Professor of Microbiology and Genetics - Argentina
Joel Hartter, Assistant Professor of Geography - Uganda
Sarah Sherman, Associate Professor of English - England
Brigitte Bailey, Associate Professor of English - England