Resources for Faculty Below Include:
Class Lists and Student Information
Final Grades
Final Grade Change
Major Changes
Minor Declaration
Registration Override
Release RAC
Class Lists and Student Information
- Login to
- Select: Faculty Services
- Class lists are only accessible to the instructor(s) of the course
- Student information is limited to students listed as advisees, or students registered in a course the faculty member is the instructor.
- If more information is needed than Webcat provides, apply for access to the BANNER Student Information System. BANNER account requests are submitted through, choose 'Support' menu.
Final Grades
Submitting Final Grades
Note: All grades do not need to be entered into the Webcat final grade worksheet at one time. Submit grades frequently, and return at any time through the deadline.
Changes to grades may be made in Webcat up until the deadline for submitting final grades. No special grade report is required for the changes. However, if a student's grades have rolled to their academic history, a final grade change is then required to update a grade.
Not able to access your courses on Webcat or need help?
UNH Durham: Contact Claudia Cauchon or Liz Smith to confirm the listed instructor.
UNH Manchester: Contact Doreen Palmer, April Kalinowski or Katie Hanagan.
UNH Law: Contact Matthew Grady ǰ
UNH College of Professional Studies Online: Contact
Technical assistance is available from the UNH Help Desk at (603) 862-2525
- Login to
- Select the Faculty Services menu
- Select Final Grades > Submit Final Grades
- Select the appropriate term from drop-down menu, click Submit
- Select one of your courses from the drop-down menu and click Submit
- Enter a grade for each student by selecting one from the drop-down box under the heading “Grade”. Grades are listed in alphabetical order. Note: Do not enter anything in the “Last Attend Date” or “Attend Hours” fields.
- Remember to submit your selections frequently as there is a time-limit for the page appearing on the screen. Grades that are not submitted will have to be re-entered if you experience a time out on a single page. Once you submit a set of grades you will receive the message “The changes you made were saved successfully.” This message will appear under the time limit message at top of the page.
- Continue this process until all of the students on the roster have received a grade. Note: If you are not ready to give grades to all students, it is okay to leave them set at “NONE” until you enter a grade.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “CRN selection” to select another CRN. Then click “Final Grades” on the menu.
- When you have finished grading and submitted your grades be sure to logout of WEBCAT.
- NOTE: Changes may be made to grades on the rosters until the WEBCAT deadline for submission. If you return to WEBCAT to review a completed roster and don’t make changes, you still have to click the “Submit” button to exit. The following message appears in this situation: “You have made no changes to the final grades or attendance hours. No changes were made to the database.”
Final Grade Change
Final grade change is a process to submit a grade change after the Office of the Registrar's final grade deadlines have passed. Final grade change requests may be submitted through Webcat by faculty and are then reviewed by the Dean's Offices.
Step by Step Instructions for Faculty:
- Login to
- Select Faculty Services menu
- Select Final Grades > Change a Grade
- Select Term and click Submit
- Select Course and click Submit
- Locate student - Show/Hide filter to search by ID/Name, click 'Filter' to show results
- Select New Grade and Reason
- If applicable, enter when IC Coursework was completed
- Click Next at bottom of roster to review change request
- Click Submit to complete change request
- Note: cancel grade change request is available until the Dean's Office begins review
Special Grade Report forms may also be submitted to
Dean's Office
Contact the Office of the Registrar with questions or if experiencing any issues with submitting a request at
Major Changes
Students request major changes in Webcat. Once a student has requested a major change, the incoming academic department designee(s) must review and approve or deny the request. If approved, the Dean's Office of the incoming college must approve.
Please email if department designee(s) need to be updated.
Minor Declaration
Students may declare up to two minors in Webcat. No approval is needed for a student to declare a minor.
Registration Override
- Login to
- Select: Faculty Services
- Select: Student Menu
- Select: View Student Schedule
- Select: Term
- Search for student by name or ID number
- Click Submit to choose student
- Select: Registration Overrides (scroll below schedule)
- Select: from Override drop down menu the applicable override type
- Select: Course to grant permission for, verify and click Submit
- Note: permission may only be granted by the Primary Instructor of the course
- Permission granted displays under Current Student Overrides
Release RAC
- Login to
- Select: Faculty Services
- Select: Advisor Menu
- Select: RAC Distribution
- Select: Term
- Search for Student by name or ID number
- Click Submit to choose student
- The students RAC information will display
- Select: Assign RAC to release RAC to the student
- Confirmation page will display stating RAC Assignment recorded